OK; I like a little speculation people but really!

Alfred and company, keep those guesses coming! I’m sure all of you are on absolute tenderhooks to know if I’m going to spill the beans on this Arthur person. Allfred Lehmberg thinks that I think it’s Regan Lee. Someone named anonymichael also thinks that I think Arthur is Regan Lee.

How very odd!

First off, I don’t think it’s anyone. I don’t have to think, or believe or fall for a bunch or red herrings, wild gooses, or even wild mooses.

I don’t have to do anything!

Second, I don’t have to tell anyone what I know about this Arthur person – not yet anyway.

Third, “Arthur” (whom ever he/she/it is) has done nothing wrong. Sure Arthu’s annoying. Since when is being annoying a crime? I’m annoying to a lot of people – so what? I’m kind of amused by the antics of this Arthur person. Were I to spill the beans, Arthur would in all probability vanish.

I think this is still a free country (unless Alfred thinks otherwise in which case, he’s wrong!) I think people are entitled to say pretty much whatever they want to say, on their own soap-box. If they are on someone else’s? I guess they have to abide by someone else’s rules. If they become too annoying on say, a free Blogger account that people complain about? They might get their feed cut off. Nothing more severe than that.

Somehow, someway, people need to learn a little tolerance. Tolerance for ideas, tolerance for other ways of thinking, Tolerance for Arthur the Odd Emperor or even Alfred! I don’t have a beef with Arthur, yes this particular character is crude, rude, obnoxious, noxious, insipid. Irritating and very very stupid. Yes this character tries very very hard to be irritating, (and British.)
Yes like anon #42 said, this character makes some attempt at self deprecating humor. I can also tell what it’s costing them.

Arthur is UFOlogy ladies and gentlemen. UFOlogy in its distilled and very frightening form. Nasty, abrasive, lying, dishonorable, insulting (both to one’s intelligence and more personally,) duplicitous, deceitful, disloyal, unfaithful, obscene and lest we forget, unscientific. All of these things are reflected in you; Arthur old dear.

And like a good troll, Arthur seeks to keep his/her identity secret. Even to the point of sending out a number of socks to get people scurrying off on other paths (do you really think that’s fooling anyone?) And they will keep trying for, one of the hallmarks of this Arthur character is to keep on trying, keep on trying till the cows come home and keep on trying some more.


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