Breaking news!

Arthur has been identified!

“Anonymous “author-Arthur of Updates, UFO Updates is a mystery no longer! Not that it ever was a mystery in the first place…

Film at 11!

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29 Responses to Breaking news!

  1. What do you mean hu? Don’t you know?


  2. Lesley says:

    Your post gave me hope that you had some proof of who it is. If there is no proof, it is still anonymous Art. I could not accuse anyone without proof, nor will I.

  3. Excuse me… is this the same hapless mook so whiny when _he_ was revealed to cyberspace as “Mr. Pettingill”… Mr. Pettingill?

    Heh! …News at 11:01
    >> AVG Blog —
    >>> U F O M a g a z i n e —

  4. Except, I’m not accusing anyone of anything am I? How do you know that I don’t have proof?

  5. Lesley says:

    I didn’t say you were accusing anyone. My point was that although I may have some theories of who I think it is, I would not say who I think it is without proof – it was all about me. I don’t know that you don’t have proof, but I would hope that you would share it if you did.

  6. Alfred;
    Ah no. Mr. Pettingill did express his concern when I asked him to place his name on the Odd Empire page back oh, six or seven years ago. He thought some vindictive, vile, unstable moron would start sending hate mail and threats.

    I guess he was right!

    In the future Alfred, try to stay on topic will you?

    Say, I have an idea! Would you like to address Mr. Pettingill directly? I can arrange it!

  7. Lesley; point taken.

    You are correct; it’s not nice to say that one has proof of something unless one is ready to disclose that proof. Anonymous information, rumors and allegations is very thin stuff to base a case on.

    In the case of Arthur, it may not be discrete to publicly reveal who is behind the veil so to speak. Not yet anyway. Arthur has gone out of his way to libel people and thinks that being more or less anonymous is a shield against that kind of business. Arthur is a troll–nothing more. Arthur’s had some experience in trolling, been part of a trolling club I do believe.

    Arthur’s a hapless person who really wants to make some kind of a mark in the UFO biz but cannot address the real issues, with themselves, UFOlogy or some of the people in it. Arthur thinks that he’s been slighted, ignored and rebuffed and to certain extent this has happened.

    Thank you for your insights, you have a sensible spin on most things.

  8. That’s Mr. Lehmberg, _again_, you bumptious lack-wit. Please to remember who pissed in who’s mail-box first, but sure, whatever blows your dress up, sugar-booger, arrange away! …Though, keep your hands to yourself or pull back nubs, eh?
    >> AVG Blog —
    >>> U F O M a g a z i n e —

  9. odd_emperor says:

    Well sure Mr. Lehmberg, again.
    But, back on topic; I’m very curious and I’m sure everyone would really like to know, why are you trying to protect this Arthur character’s identity?

  10. Ah — a ray of hope! …Almost.

    …As to Arthur? Not at all, Mr. Pettingill. Unmask him for the scurvy dog he is, of course, after you find a topic worth cleaving to at all, eh? I won’t be taking advice _or_ direction from you as has been made clear in our long “association” as it were… TTFN
    >> AVG Blog —
    >>> U F O M a g a z i n e —

  11. Oh Alfred Alfred!

    There are so many topics (in your quaint idiom) worth cleaving at. But Arthur and your reaction? Fascinating!

  12. (not) Alfred Lehmberg says:

    Comment moderated; off topic. — Into the Bozo Bucket it goes!

    Alfred dear rube! Please don’t change. Don’t try to make reasonable comments or logical arguments OK? Most other people do that and we can’t be like all those people can we?
    Then I would have to take you seriously, whether I wanted to or not! It’s in the bylaws!


  13. Alfred Lehmberg says:

    Sorry Alfred! Off topic once again!
    Ever hear the description of one who does the same thing over and over again expecting different results?

    Cura ut valeas

    The Odd Emperor

  14. santa claws says:

    Kee-rist, OE! I tried to post a comment and it wouldn’t go through. Then, when I did a couple rapid test keyboard tickles, the above appeared. What’s weird is that the above two incomprehensible riffs got posted, a day later, but not the original post. What’s up with that?

    Anyway, just wanted say I agree with Lesley–if and when you have undeniable PROOF of “Arthur’s” identity, please let us know. Otherwise, what’s the point? Don’t tease. The creep should definitely be exposed.

    And what the fuck is this ongoing battle between you and Alfred Lehmberg all about (both here, there, on “Arthur’s”
    blog, and elsewhere)? What is this “Mr. Pettingill” stuff about? References, please. I sure wish you two would kiss and makeup. Although, as unlikely as that is, based on both of your being rather stubborn, if you can’t do that, at least “agree to disagree”, like gentlemen, and get beyond it and get on with it. The “ufo community” is cringing.
    Otherwise, no Xmas presents for either of you.

    Santa Craws

  15. odd_emperor says:

    Kee-rist, OE! I tried to post a comment and it wouldn’t go through. Then, when I did a couple rapid test keyboard tickles, the above appeared. What’s weird is that the above two incomprehensible riffs got posted, a day later, but not the original post. What’s up with that?

    Read “about this weblog” located at the very top. It explains the moderation policy. A couple of people have been messing around so we had to adopt this stupid moderation thing. I for one would love to give people free reign. Except for a couple of trolls (chiefly Alfred Lehmberg) who delights in abusing the system, most people behaved themselves but for the bozos, had to clamp down. Sorry man!

    Anyway, just wanted say I agree with Lesley’s“ if and when you have undeniable PROOF of “Arthur’s” identity, please let us know. Otherwise, what’s the point? Don’t tease. The creep should definitely be exposed.

    No problem. The creep will be exposed. Judging from the huge lack of response I suspect very few people really give a damn one way or another. One person or perhaps two people seem to care a great deal.

    And what the fuck is this ongoing battle between you and Alfred Lehmberg all about (both here, there, on “Arthur.’s” blog, and elsewhere)? What is this “Mr. Pettingil” stuff about? References, please. I sure wish you two would kiss and makeup. Although, as unlikely as that is, based on both of your being rather stubborn, if you can’t do that, at least “agree to disagree”, like gentlemen, and get beyond it and get on with it. The UFO community is cringing.
    Otherwise, no Xmas presents for either of you.

    Mr. Pettingill owns the domain and remains in my employ as Imperial Technoflunky. I think he’s kind of amused that Lehmberg thinks he’s the Odd Emperor.

    I’m not amused!

    You know; I’d be more than happy to make up with Mr. Lehmberg as I’ve indicated many times. He doesn’t seem to agree and wishes to continue making a fool of himself. That’s OK with me but I really think he should reconsider. We find him, tedious and repetitive. If he wanted to make up, all he has to do is stop flaming and start communicating. Simple I think!

  16. santa claws / anonymichael says:

    Thanks, OE, for the background info and response. Clarity is always the best “policy”.

    Yeah, I wish Mr. Lehmberg, sir, would also get beyond a certain rhetorical turn of phrase and deal with you
    even-handedly, but I guess there’s kind of a lot of water that’s flowed under that bridge, for some now.

    I don’t know what position or attitude I’d take, given the rancorous back and forth that has occurred. Not saying either of you are right or wrong, but I do see/hear you making some effort to be forthcoming, trying to meet him half way, or so I guess, not knowing all the past issues that may have transpired. I, too, get upset at certain parties bullshit, but am trying myself to moderate the emotions and ad hominems, most of the time. Except when somebody like the old
    RRR boys, Reynolds, and dicks like “Arthur” are in absolute attack mode. Too bad for them, I say.

    I kind of like Mr. Lehmberg, in a sort of appreciation for his arcane and sometimes surreal or even poetic eccentricity and language usage, but he could probably benefit from being rather more direct and straight-forward at times. At least he puts his name where his words are, as it were. Me, I’m still learning about this territory, so prefer for the time being to be anonymous. Yes, I’m the anonymichael who has posting over in “Arthur’s” blog, but I think he’s so far over the line to be like an ourobouros, a snake biting his own tail while bending the spacetime of civility, net etiquette, and just plain logic and effectiveness. He wants to act like or be the UberTroll. What a waste. Oh, well. There are just some people who can’t, won’t, or choose not to “get it”. Still haven’t determined which is the case with him, but I’ll probably leave that venue soon enough. Sheesh, the ennui and pedestrian, repetitive vitriol expressed by him there is only intended to provoke, not encourage real debate. Maybe someone should start a corrective or perhaps mildy laxative counter-blog, a kind of “Update ‘Update UFO Updates’ “, or something. Hah! Just kidding. He’s just a squirrel head or maybe trying to advance the depth and “art” of being a troll. You mentioned he might have been involved in or “part of a trolling club”–huh! Never even knew there were such supine and worthless entities. I guess some folks just try to get their jollies in by kicking others without real or due cause. Maybe it’s a reseach study (amateur level) in creating or drawing out reactionary input by intentionally manipulative game-playing, a type of juvenile psyop of sorts, but he’s so good at undermining his own apparent or supposed intent, that any validation or sociopathic goal he may have in mind is dissapated almost completely. Pretty strange, that. Not too healthy, to say the least. Yikes!

    —santa (declawed) / anonymike

  17. Hey! Thanks for the comments. Very much appreciated.

    Alfred and I go back a ways. I commented on his web page back in 2003. I said in part that looking at his web page was like looking into the mind of a madman or some other lame-o thing. You can see the entire transcript at

    Alfred’s not a bad egg, his heart’s in the right place but he’s go this strange conviction he’s infallible, that he’s always right and how DARE someone come from left field and point out his mistakes. Most people just shrug stuff like this off or respond with a jolly fuck-you! -Not Alfred! He’s got to make the perpetrator pay and pay big-time.

    Arthur on the other hand is not what he seems. He’s not even a “he.” Arthur is a sock puppet for a very notorious and stupid troll.

    I on the other hand? Sometimes I wonder why I bother. The Odd Empire started out as a joke. Some fellow taunted me on a BBS system (remember those?) that since I didn’t have a web page I was nothing. So I created a page based on my bookmark folder and saucy comments. I published it more or less anonymously but several years ago I decided to put Pettingill’s name on the disclaimer so there would be a real person to blame if things got dicey. It also keeps me honest. More or less!

    Be good!

  18. anonymichael says:

    “Arthur on the other hand is not what he seems. He’s not even a “he,'” Arthur is a sock puppet for a very notorious and stupid troll.”

    Huh! Really….so you must have some definite idea of who this person is. While I’d like to suggest “do tell”, I guess you must have your reasons for not disclosing who this thug is. I guess, all things considered, it may not actually matter. They seem to be singing some atonal, febrile tune into the wind. They must be very lonely. Sad.

  19. greeneyes says:

    Dear Odd Emperor,

    I’ve been following what you’ve written here and on Arthur’s blog. I’m curious now about the many faces of Regan _and_ the pontential connection to Arthur. You state that Arthur isn’t a “he”. Could Regan and Arthur be the same person? The same “notorious and stupid troll”?

    I don’t even think her latest incarnation as ‘Regan Lee’ is her true name but yet another ID/handle. She goes from one handle to the next. But her terrible temper, strange interests, personal attacks and her perennial identification as a victim always reveal who she is though. {Imo, I should note}

  20. Hey Greeneyes;

    I ran into Regan (under a couple of different names) a few years ago. You are correct, her real name is not Regan Lee, that’s an old pseudonym that she used in college I do believe. She’s been kicked off a number of free services because of complaints. When I met her she was running a bizarre reverse trolling group on Yahoo where she would get skeptics to comment on various things, insult them and retaliate when they answered If someone (like myself) tried to reason with her publicly or privately she would get real nasty and play victim. I finally got so fed up with her that I pulled out of the one Yahoo group that I posted on and dropped a dime on her via the Odd Empire page. She started her own anti Odd Empire blog and began taunting me. I pretty much mocked her until she took the thing down (it was a real hoot, you should have seen it!.)

    She never forgave me. In Regan’s mind I was evil incarnate and she had to have revenge. She began poking around the Odd Empire page, contacting anyone that I might have had words with (a few of them contacted me on the sly.) Mr. L over there bought her victim crap hook-line and sinker. (It’s not the first time; Mr. L is something of a rube.)

    Now, Arthur is interesting in that the moment Regan got rejected out of UFO updates this character pretending to be a male appears. Regan is extremely sexist (if one were to believe some of the stuff she’s written to me.) The character depicted by Arthur is a caricature of someone’s idea of a testosterone driven man. He-she or whatever rags incessantly on UFO Updates and people that, coincidentally Regan dislikes. (That’s not how I know about Arthur’s identity BTW.)

  21. greeneyes says:

    Odd Emperor,

    Oh my, thankyou for that info. I’ve encountered said person on yahoo groups too, with other handles, such as magicfishdeer. I remember the debunkingdebunkers group she, with the many handles, headed up which seemed to be a reverse slimball throwing type posting board. And several more of her groups are still active{to varying sorts of degrees}. What was always obvious was the her animous, victimhood status and paranoia.

  22. odd_emperor says:

    Hey, if you know of anyone else who’s had a run-in with this person, send them my way? They can email me privately at

  23. anonymichael says:

    Based on a review and comparison of language usage, a simple pattern analysis, I would have to say “Regan Lee” is NOT “Arthur”. “Arthur’s” latest blog posting (“Is Regan Jewish?”) seems to confirm that, IMHO. “Arthur” is just a sap with nothing of significance or import to say. Best ignored.

  24. odd_emperor says:

    Great! Good work!

    Just out of curiosity however, who exactly is making a declaration that Regan Lee is in fact this Arthur creature. I don’t remember saying such a thing – do you?

    And; what software pkg did you use to carry out this analyses?

  25. anonymichael says:

    “Arthur has been identified! ‘Anonymous’ author-Arthur of Updates, UFO Updates is a mystery no longer! Not that it ever was a mystory in the first place…Film at 11!” [Oct. 19th]

    “In the case of Arthur, it may not be discrete to publicly reveal who is behind the veil so to speak. Not yet anyway. Arthur has gone out of his way to libel people and thinks that being more or less anonymous is a shield against that kind of business. Arthur is a troll–nothing more. Arthur’s had some experience in trolling, been part of a trolling club I do believe.” [Oct.20th]

    “Arthur on the other hand is not what he seems. He’s not even a ‘he’. Arthur is a sock puppet for a very notorious and stupid troll.” [Oct. 26th]

    “When I met her she was running a bizarre reverse trolling group on Yahoo where she would get skeptics to comment on various things, insult them and retaliate when they answered. If someone (like myself) tried to reason with her publicly or privately she would get real nasty and play victim. I finally got so fed up with her that I pulled out of the one Yahoo group that I posted on and dropped a dime on her via the Odd Empire page.” [Oct. 27th. 11:13 pm]…

    “Now, Arthur is interesting in that the moment Regan got rejected out of UFO updates this character pretending to be a male appears. Regan is extremely sexist (if one were to believe some of the stuff she’s written to me.) The character depicted by Arthur is a caricature of someone’s idea of a testosterone driven man. He-she or whatever rags incessantly on UFO Updates and people that, coincidentally Regan dislikes. (That’s not how I know about Arthur’s identity BTW.)” [Oct. 27th, 11:13 pm]

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Gee, I must be confused. Or something.

    I may have misread you, but the totality of your comments here, and the excerpts noted above from your posts, would seem to imply “Regan” (whoever she is) is using the name “Arthur” (whoever he is) as a sock puppet/false identity. And while you say “Just out of curiosity however, who exactly is making a declaration that Regan Lee is in fact this Arthur creature. I don’t remember saying such a thing… do you?”, most would be led to think that you are in fact more than suggesting without being explicit about it that the two are or may be one and the same. What software did I use? None, other than the wetware between my ears.

    I did a brief tour of some of “Regan’s” blogs and writing style and did a simple comparative analysis of the tone, language, word usage, spelling, structure, and beliefs expressed by “Arthur”, and personally found them different enough that I think it quite unlikely they are the same person. I could be wrong, as there are some eerie similarities/coincidental commentary in a few cases, as you noted, but this just may be “Arthur” picking up on and using some stuff from “Regan” to confuse the issue and muddy the waters. He does seem rather obsessed with her, for some strange reason.

    He’s much more of a sick game-player, attempting to use sardonic “humor” to score his insubtantial points, and a bit more coherent in his delusions. His use of “British” terms and spelling, and primarily his “anti-ufo” stance or pose are further indicators. Who ever this person is though, his “trendy” misanthropy towards all others in an anonymous format is cowardly and narcissistic, and finally, to me, just a pointless diversion. A waste of time. I say so and more in what I hope will be my last comment at the “pink blog” in the “Is Regan Jewish?” section.

    (Jeez, Art, who cares? Watching paint dry has become more interesting than whatever you could possibly say.)

    Who knows? I don’t, and no longer really care. If you know, you should say so and why you think so; what proof is there? You indicate above “it may not be discrete to publicly reveal who is behind the veil so to speak. Not yet anyway.” Discreet? I think we’re beyond that now. The news at 11 has been over for a while, and the tube is flickering with the late, late show. I think it’s time to put this puppy to bed, IMHO. Over to you, OE.

  26. “Arthur has been identified! ‘Anonymous’ author-Arthur of Updates, UFO Updates is a mystery no longer! Not that it ever was a mystory in the first place…Film at 11!” [Oct. 19th]

    Ohh! Misspelled mystery! Have to fix that!

    “In the case of Arthur, it may not be discrete to publicly reveal who is behind the veil so to speak. Not yet anyway. Arthur has gone out of his way to libel people and thinks that being more or less anonymous is a shield against that kind of business. Arthur is a troll, nothing more. Arthur’s had some experience in trolling, been part of a trolling club I do believe.” [Oct.20th]

    “Arthur on the other hand is not what he seems. He’s not even a “he,” Arthur is a sock puppet for a very notorious and stupid troll.” [Oct. 26th]

    I do believe all of that is correct.

    “When I met her (Regan Lee) she was running a bizarre reverse trolling group on Yahoo where she would get skeptics to comment on various things, insult them and retaliate when they answered. If someone (like myself) tried to reason with her publicly or privately she would get real nasty and play victim. I finally got so fed up with her that I pulled out of the one Yahoo group that I posted on and dropped a dime on her via the Odd Empire page.” [Oct. 27th. 11:13 pm]…

    All true!

    “Now, Arthur is interesting in that the moment Regan got rejected out of UFO updates this character pretending to be a male appears. Regan is extremely sexist (if one were to believe some of the stuff she’s written to me.) The character depicted by Arthur is a caricature of someone’s idea of a testosterone driven man. He-she or whatever rags incessantly on UFO Updates and people that, coincidentally Regan dislikes. (That’s not how I know about Arthur’s identity BTW.)” [Oct. 27th, 11:13 pm]

    I stand by every word of that.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Gee, I must be confused. Or something.

    Or something. 😉

    I may have misread you, but the totality of your comments here, and the excerpts noted above from your posts, would seem to imply “Regan” (whoever she is) is using the name “Arthur” (whoever he is) as a sock puppet/false identity. And while you say “Just out of curiosity however, who exactly is making a declaration that Regan Lee is in fact this Arthur creature. I don’t remember saying such a thing… do you?”, most would be led to think that you are in fact more than suggesting without being explicit about it that the two are or may be one and the same. What software did I use? None, other than the wetware between my ears.

    Oh good! You happen to be an expert in word pattern recognition than?

    I did a brief tour of some of “Regan’s” blogs and writing style and did a simple comparative analysis of the tone, language, word usage, spelling, structure, and beliefs expressed by “Arthur”, and personally found them different enough that I think it quite unlikely they are the same person. I could be wrong, as there are some eerie similarities/coincidental commentary in a few cases, as you noted, but this just may be “Arthur” picking up on and using some stuff from “Regan” to confuse the issue and muddy the waters. He does seem rather obsessed with her, for some strange reason.

    Why would that be I wonder?

    He’s much more of a sick game-player, attempting to use sardonic “humor” to score his insubtantial points, and a bit more coherent in his delusions. His use of “British” terms and spelling, and primarily his “anti-ufo” stance or pose are further indicators. Who ever this person is though, his “trendy” misanthropy towards all others in an anonymous format is cowardly and narcissistic, and finally, to me, just a pointless diversion. A waste of time. I say so and more in what I hope will be my last comment at the “pink blog” in the “Is Regan Jewish?” section.

    “His” use of brit terms (a few times) is more indicative of an American trying to mask their identity. I don’t get the feeling that this Arthur is British at all. Just my opinion you understand.

    (Jeez, Art, who cares? Watching paint dry has become more interesting than whatever you could possibly say.)

    Oh I tend to agree–partly. Arthur was and is a pretty rude non-entity. The reaction to Arthur and certain people’s reaction to Art and my little declaration of knowledge is priceless!

    Who knows? I don’t, and no longer really care. If you know, you should say so and why you think so; what proof is there? You indicate above “it may not be discrete to publicly reveal who is behind the veil so to speak. Not yet anyway.” Discreet? I think we’re beyond that now. The news at 11 has been over for a while, and the tube is flickering with the late, late show. I think it’s time to put this puppy to bed, IMHO. Over to you, OE.

    You know, it’s fascinating that some people really don’t get it, not even a little bit. So what and who is Arthur? I know with a precision that would scare the writers’ right down to their boots.

    You really think I should spill the beans? Is it time yet? What’s really wrong with what Art’s doing and finally, why are you so interested in getting me to knock over Art’s anthill hmm? Perhaps Art should do it himself.

  27. Anonymichael says:

    “You know, it’s fascinating that some people really don’t get it, not even a little bit. So what and who is Arthur? I know with a precision that would scare the writers’ right down to their boots.”

    “You really think I should spill the beans? Is it time yet? What’s really wrong with what Art’s doing and finally, why are you so interested in getting me to knock over Art’s anthill hmm? Perhaps Art should do it himself.”


    What’s really wrong with what “Arthur” is doing? You have to ask? Re-read his blog entries and commentary from beginning to end, as I have. There are some rather obvious clues there. His deep cynicism and full-spectrum libelous misanthropy is just a start. I’ll leave it to you to divine the rest, big Guy.

    So, in effect, you claim to know “with a precision…” who “Arthur” actually is? I am beginning to doubt that. I think you’re beginning to enjoy his entrapment game a little too much, IMHO. Gee, maybe _you’re_ Arthur! Heh! Just kidding–or am I?!? Don’t become too ensnared. Remember what I said–don’t get too close to the event horizon. And while you’re over there in that garden of delights, also remember, in turn, what the white rabbit said: Feed Your Head….

    Me? I’ve decided to turn my lightship around and head in a different direction. His slow self-immolation is too painful to watch any longer. And boring. I tried to redirect some of his anger, but he only perceived such efforts as more grist for his expresso mill. He won’t change anytime soon. You imply you can shift that static paradigm–prove it or just shut the hell up. I now seek a higher level of intelligence, conciousness, morals, and ethics. Wish me luck… I’ll need it.

    Art won’t knock over his own anthill. He’s enjoying too much being the queen of his tiny colony. Why am I interested in seeing you try? I was, but not much any more. I must admit there is still some residue of curiousity, but it matters less the longer his crap goes on. He makes himself increasingly irrelevant by his own fecal words–a fungus has been growing deep inside the anthill for some time now. It is approaching the royal chamber.

    His narcissistic neurosis will, in the end, among other things, be his undoing. You needn’t do anything. But, it’s like a rabid dog–he’s lost it, and is writhing in pain, frothing at the mouth, while you look on, bemused. If you really have the silver bullet in that rifle of knowledge, perhaps the best thing to do would be to put him out of his misery. Yes, it is time. Past due. But, you do what you want. You will, regardless, anyway, right? Or are you an afficianado of schadenfreude? Best of luck. I’ve slipped on my blue suede shoes and leather jacket and am leaving the building. I think Colonel Tom has some fried chicken waiting for me out in the DeVille.

  28. Fascinating, most fascinating.

    What can I say, you are probably correct about some things, way off the mark in others. I will say that, I think you may be correct regarding the relationship between Arthur and Regan Lee. There is something going on between those two characters but, some of Arthur’s prose is so utterly unlike Regan’s that it could not have possibly come from her. Some of it on the other hand sounds eerily similar.

    So, in effect, you claim to know with a precision who “Arthur” actually is? I am beginning to doubt that. I think you’re beginning to enjoy his entrapment game a little too much, IMHO. Gee, maybe you’re Arthur! Heh! Just kidding, or am I?!? Don’t become too ensnared. Remember what I said “don’t get too close to the event horizon. And while you’re over there in that garden of delights, also remember, in turn, what the white rabbit said: Feed Your Head

    Remember what the Dormouse said?

    Anyway, to respond to the I’m Arthur idea? It’s an interesting thought. I really have no reason to create a character like Arthur and, strangely enough, I dont have a beef with the luminaries of UFOlogy (such as they are.) My agenda is quite clear and (also) strangely enough, all the people who seem to have a problem with it also seem to have a problem with Arthur too. I on the other had do not have a problem with “him,” so long as he does not libel people. That’s my one and only beef, that kind of behavior is just wrong.

    His narcissistic neurosis will, in the end, among other things, be his undoing. You needn’t do anything. But, it’s like a rabid dog, he’s lost it, and is writhing in pain, frothing at the mouth, while you look on, bemused. If you really have the silver bullet in that rifle of knowledge, perhaps the best thing to do would be to put him out of his misery. Yes, it is time. Past due. But, you do what you want. You will, regardless, anyway, right? Or are you an afficianado of schadenfreude? Best of luck. I’ve slipped on my blue suede shoes and leather jacket and am leaving the building. I think Colonel Tom has some fried chicken waiting for me out in the DeVille.

    I could put Arthur (or any other non-paid Blogger account) out any time I wanted to. So could you or just about anyone else. Arthur CLEARLY violated the Blogger TOS a long time ago–he would be easy. Remember what Frank Herbert said? The ability to destroy a thing is the ability to control a thing. Arthur has truly become a ward of his readers who all have direct control and a certain amount of responsibility for what is written there. In a sense, we are all Arthur now—yes?

    Schadenfreude? Such a large word! No, I don’t enjoy the misery of others. I bring joy to the multitudes! I speak where most people are afraid to speak. I get people to think once and a while. I speak the forbidden words, stomp on the sacred cows, sacrifice the holy of holies on the alter of mirth.

    That my friend is a much larger thing, a more worthy thing and it does work! People have changed their entire outlook because of the Odd Emperor.

    At least, so it would appear! 😉

    Take care now!

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