Local man investigates paranormal

Local man investigates paranormal

By Daniel Silliman

William A. Lester was standing in a driveway, talking to a couple. They had (been) seeing things, they said, paranormal things. That’s why Lester was there.

Lester was taking notes. How often did they see it? How fast did if fly? Did it hover? Did it look like anything they’d ever seen before?

It looked like a triangle, they said, a large black triangular object with a red light and it flew really low over their house but it didn’t make any noise.

“That’s really unusual,” Lester said. “A conventional object, a conventional aircraft of that size would have to make an incredible noise.”

And then, while they were standing there talking, it flew overhead. It looked exactly like they said it looked, Lester said. It didn’t make a noise and it flew so low that the red light shone on the roof.

“I know I was seeing something real. I saw it myself, so that was a real UFOs case,” he said.

Lester, a Jonesboro resident, has a doctorate degree in parapsychology from the American Institute of Holistic Theology in Birmingham, Ala. He teaches classes at his own American Institute of Metaphysics and will be hosting a conference in Decatur in the end of October called the X-Conference. He has written three books on paranormal phenomena, including “Star Messiah” which explored the possibility of a relationship between the rise of world religions and extraterrestrial and “Dimension X,” which is a field guide to the paranormal.

“Some people see ghosts in every shadow, some people see UFOs in every sky, but everything is not a mystery,” Lester said. “Some people investigate for the purposes of debunking, they go into the investigation with the assumption that it’s got to be untrue. I go into the investigation, approach the research with the thought, ‘I don’t know.’”


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