Empire of the Odd, 15-1

15-1 The Zundelsite, Submitted by the Odd Emperor with a nod to The Other Side guy.

I don’t normally go off the deep-end on the Odd Empire web page. Most of the time my commentary is, perhaps a little blunt but not overly insulting (unless the truth is insulting, your experiences may vary.)

But this page really irritates the Odd Emperor, i‘s another ‘“Oh, NO! The Nazis didn’t kill lots of Jews page, (or Gypsies, or Gays, or retarded people.) No-no! That’s just evil propaganda!”

You shmucks! You blithering idiots! You complete and utter nincompoops! You wastes of skin! You MORONS! You historically ignorant fools! Yes they did, YES THEY F^%$ing DID! So did the Japanese, so did the Chinese, the Cambodians, the Vietnamese , the Russians, the French, the Spanish, the Italians, the Anglicans, not to mention the Romanians, the Algerians, the Indians (not the American Indians fool!) How about the South American Indians, the North American Indians, or the freaking US Americans? All have skeletons in their collective closets. Some rival the German pogroms of the 1940s in size and scope.

It’s nothing new. Pretending that it didn’t happen during the 1940s is the height of ignorance. It happens everywhere!

Every culture that’s been around for more than a few decades has ended up slaughtering larger numbers of it’s own citizens! Most of the time this has been during the moments following the formation of the country–during times of revolution and change. It’s very common! Almost inevitable! I can only think of a couple of places where this didn”t happen (Israel being one but some would argue their ‘“time of change and repression’ never completed itse’f. Ask the Palestinians, I did when I was over there and they told me.)

Why does this make me so angry? Simple! (Glad you asked.)

Holocaust deniers guarantee that this whole bloody business will simply repeat itself. Over and over again. The Germans weren’t doing anything new or unexpected. They were following the doctrines of their time. Hitler simply codified this crap, they industrialized the process to make it more efficient. People who say that the Germans are being falsely accused are living in a fantasy world. It’s the same fantasy world for people who think that it could never happen in their own home town–that it could never happen to THEM.

Fools! Idiots, MORONS! If you live in a first-world country, at any given MOMENT you are about one month away from your own holocaust. Maybe less, think about what an atomic strike would do to society , how long before the police (or whatever) would start lining people against the wall. Weeks? Days? Hours maybe?

Inducted July 13, 2006

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