The Usual Purple Tinged Hyperbole About UFOs

The Red Queen seems to have a bee in her bonnet!

R. Lee

Wandering through the kingdom of anti-UFOism on the internet, I recently came across a few sites with the same message; so-called ‘name calling’ is just as bad as using racial slurs. Labeling the anti-UFOists, skeptics and or debunkers as any of the following: skeptoid, skepti-bunkie, Skepti-bunkie, New Thug, etc. is on the same level as being called any of the heinous names for an ethnic, cultural or racial group. (Also, using such labels as say, New Thugs or skeptibunkies, supports their opinion that the “name caller” is emotionally and psychologically deficient in some way.) The obvious — that these offended complainers use terms like woo, kook, lunatics, true believers, ‘bleevers, etc. — well, no need to point that out, so I won’t.


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One Response to The Usual Purple Tinged Hyperbole About UFOs

  1. Without belaboring the point too much, the author of this piece is an individual who has a history of gleefully name-calling people and then screaming anytime one of her subjects says anything unkind back. She has a huge double standard in this regard that is quite spectacular to behold.

    Now, on the one hand I don’t see any real harm in this, on the other hand I think this constant “I’m a victim” stuff is just silly. Ms Lee; you are not a victim, if someone’s called you a kook or woo or whatever, it’s probably because you called them something far worse. I suggest that if you really want a change them change the way you deal with people. Serve as a good example as apposed to what you’ve been doing. Stop whining, stop trying to tell people what to do and stop sulking around int the shadows. Talk to people! Even people you don’t agree with. It will do a world of good, believe me!

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