According to some people, Napa River Inn is haunted

According to some people, Napa River Inn is haunted
By Matthias Gafni/Times-Herald, Vallejo

Rooms Division Manager Shane Greenan leads a tour down the hallway at the Napa River Inn. (J.L. Sousa/Times-Herald, Vallejo)
On April 1, 1912, Albert Hatt Jr. hung himself from a wooden beam in his family’s warehouse.

According to some, the building on the banks of the Napa River in the city’s downtown district has never been the same. In fact, they say it’s haunted.

Nearly a century later, the old feed store serves as the Napa River Inn, a charming hotel in the heart of wine country. Ironically, its haunted mystique has actually helped business, said Sara Brooks, the hotel’s assistant general manager.

“We get quite a few people specifically requesting to stay in a haunted room and then we get quite a few people specifically requesting to stay out of a haunted room,” Brooks said.

The Napa River Inn is one of many so-called haunted landmarks throughout the region that you can reach on a tank of gas.

Jonna Miller, a paranormal researcher and author of the historical fiction novel “Haunting for Time,” has cataloged many local places that claim to be haunted.

“You live in a very interesting area. I’d love to have more time to research your area,” the Fresno author said in a recent phone interview.


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