The Death of Science

Mark Noonan’‘s take on the death of science.

“A lot of different factors – but the main thing was that science could only thrive as it did from about 1650 until 1850 when everyone agreed on the rules. The prime rule of science was truth – everyone involved in science had to tell the truth to the best of their ability, and always be willing to correct one’s views when new evidence called in to question previously held beliefs. What killed science was when its strongest advocates stopped telling the truth.”

Of course, it was science enthusiasts that fell for Piltdown Man and other bogus ideas (like overpopulation.) No wonder the author says that science is now intertwined with myth and even worse, politics! It’s not idiot politicians or religious nutjobs! How could I even think of such a thing?

“Why did science stray from the path of truth? I think it is because we ceased educating the men of science with a knowledge of religion – a knowledge, that is, of genuine truth, genuine reason, and the relationship of man to creation, and his Creator.”

Holy crapola! Why didn’t I think of that? The death of science is science’s own fault because science as an institution forgot to believe in scripture. Wow! What a fascinating idea! We could (for example) have a pseudo- religious experience (like a typical UFO abduction,) base all our beliefs on whatever holy information was imparted by the aliens (the same ones who kidnapped you, strapped you to a table and well had their way with you.) Hey! That’s simple, thoughtless and reflexive! It’s soooo simple!
We can all stop THINKING! Start BELIVING again (you lousy heretic!) Just like people did in the Middle Ages!

Excuse me; I need to go stand around in a pasture for a few hours.


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