Folks who call themselves open-minded.

… in UFOlogy are often are not being open minded, they are behaving like petty tyrants and zealots….

I was thinking about something that one of my Internet friends said. Well, not so much what he said but his overall attitude. You see, he and a couple of others in the UFOlogy circus have been trying to brand the Odd Emperor as something of a closed-minded skeptic. Someone with a pathological need to scoff at truly opened minded people (like themselves).

A freak!

Well, of course there is a kernel of truth here-from their point of view anyway. The Odd Empire is designed (more or less incidentally) for scoffing at people who proclaim one or more strange beliefs. It’s true that the Odd Emperor delights in skewering the itinerant wackjobs, those people with a passion that goes beyond the humdrum boredom of their otherwise unremarkable lives. A passion that takes them into the realms fantastic. A place where large malodorous hominids roam, where aliens from a plethora of planets, dimensions and even huge underground lairs burst forth to abduct people for strange and terrifying experiments. Where sinister government conspiracies are in every click in their telephone, every click on the Internet. Yes the world is a strange place.

It’s a colorful world, full of mystery and romance. Here, humans have fleeting and half understood super-powers. People can see great distances using only their minds! They can see in to the past, relive distant lives or see into the future.

There are strange beasts here, Sasquach,, The Mothman, Spring-Heeled Jack, The terrifying thunderbird, Nessie, Chessie and Chupacabera. Aliens wiz around in strangely subjective-looking aircraft. People can walk about on the Moon and breath the smog-free air. They meet the denizens of Mars or Venus. They can speak to God Saint Jerome or Jesus. They can meet their alien progeny, destined to live their lives in an almost unknowable reality. They can travel to distant star systems, meet the strangely familiar people and nod appreciatively when they tell how Humanity is a member of a much larger and unknown Galactic Union.

All of these things and so many more are available to people who are “opened minded.” All you need is a little belief and a lot of conviction. You too can trip the light-fantastic. You can cleave the heavens and a new reality will be yours for the talking.

It’s funny; most religions promise the same thing. Follow me and all your pesky questions will be answered. Just follow, don’t think! Believe! Never question! Obey! Listen! Don’t speak! Just shut-up and get out of my way! I am about to tell you (sell you) the truth! A truth that only I know.

Or as Matt Groaning once said. “All one needs is a little blind faith, is that too much to ask?“

Open minded people in live in a significantly different reality than their fellows. They can be gullible, they grab on to some belief, it doesn’t really matter what and hang on for dear life–not caring where it takes them.

It’s clouded their powers of skepticism. They no longer question who they are, what’¢s going on around them and what their future going to be like. They don’t need to question because, they already know. Why search for the truth when the pre-eminent truths are already known?

But that’s not open-minded is it? To already know? Is it better to give-up, give in, give away to one or more belief or is it better to say’.

I really don’t know.”

That’ a very easy question, at least for most people. I really don’t know and I don’t claim to.

For those supposedly open minded people this can also be an easy question. Frequently they say in so many words ‘“I believe this or that is a FACT. You are an idiot if you don’t believe along with me.

Is that really open minded?

To know the truth so completely that you become offended when someone disagrees?

Shockingly; no it’s not.

Not even a little bit.

But is believing wrong?

Well, no it’s not wrong to believe. It is OK to believe in strange stuff. People have a right to believe in whatever they like. What’s not OK is expecting other people to just blindly follow along, to reflexively validate your strange ideas. It’s even OK to want that, it’s not OK to demand it. That’s a right you’“opened minded” people don’t have. If you think you do? You’re not open minded, you are being tyrants, bigots, closed minded zealots. People who are every bit as bad as the governments you decree. That’s why people like me fuss at you. Because in your hypocrisy you’e become the very thing you hate. I see that so clearly, why can’t you

This seems very apropro, I lifted it off of Old Gary’ blog (thank you very much sir.)

“ARTICLE II: (of an alternate US Constitution.) You do not have the right to never be offended. This country is Based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone — not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc.; But the world is full of idiots, and probably always will be. “

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14 Responses to Folks who call themselves open-minded.

  1. Old Gary says:

    I lean towards conservatism. My precious son leans toward liberalism. When he tells me to “open my mind” I tell him that I do so, but only enough so that my brains don’t fall out.


  2. I tend to be Libertarian myself although I usually vote Democrat, the Lib party can never seem to field anyone of note.

    You know of course that political leanings tend to skip a generation….

  3. Lesley says:

    Actually a few months back I was pretty much banned from a certain blog because I didn’t agree with the owner about illegal immigration. I did this as politely as I could and really had never thought it would offend him. He never gave any rebuttal, he simple removed my post, removed all links to my site and never spoke to me again. I thought it was very childish. Other people’s opinions for the most part don’t bother me in the least. I realize we are all going to feel differently about things because we have different life experiences. As I have said before, the world would be pretty damn boring if everyone thought alike. As long as people are polite about their different views and aren’t trolling it is OK with me.

  4. odd_emperor says:

    Exactly my point. The person you encountered isn’t interested in any opinion that counters his (or her) deeply held belief system. That kind of person so deeply fears that their little world-view might incorrect that they actively repress any counter argument. Someone comfortable with their opinions and sure of their convictions does not fear open debate. This can apply to people as well as entire societies. Same goes with UFOlogy, people with an axe to grind often react with hostility when offered a differing opinion. Some fear even the questions and react in a way I can only describe as bizarre.

    As far as the world being a boring place, don’t worry, it’s not and I dare-say it’s not going to become boring anytime in the foreseeable future.

  5. …Had it ever occurred to you that you yourself are the person you decry? You are yourself what you accuse? That the rot you besmear is in your _own_ rigging, and not in those perhaps more far-seeing that yourself, more creative than yourself, or more imaginative than yourself? That it is _you_ that is ‘bizarre’ at the denouement? It’s a useful filter to run the occasional motivation through, Mr. Pettingill, and precludes the unjustified sneer, is my experience.
    AVG Blog —

  6. Alfred;

    ‘™ it ever occurred to me? That I’™’m a closed-minded zealot with beliefs so strong I attack anyone who has a differing opinion? That I delight in consistent and vicious ad hominem, as the preferred way to argue nearly any point? Ahh.. no Alfred, that’s never occurred to me.

    Trying a dodgy reversal on this argument (without citation) simply illustrates the point–rather nicely I may add.

    BTW, sorry this took so long, I was away for a few days and because of all the shenanigans some “open-minded people” have pulled with me in the past I decided not to announce it ahead of time.

  7. Woe the tormented skeptibunky and whiny klasskurtxian… all that stands between us and a paranormal hand cart to hell… is you… but there you stand… stalwart, brave… rational… tireless bulwark to the kooks and woo-woos. A poster-boy for the status quo. A misanthrope for the mainstream… A pimp for the prosaic mundane…

    It’s a rough row you hoe for sure… odd that you’re strong enough to dish it out, but come up decidedly short in the “taking it” department. Why do you think that is Mr. Pettingill, do you think?

    Here’s a hanky. It trumps your banana.
    AVG Blog —

  8. Um, Alfred;

    Ive been taking your bullcrap for a number of years. I don’t see any tears. Hell, R. Lee sic’d you on me, don’t you remember? If it wasn’t for me you probably would never have met her. And you think I’ve never done anything for you?

    I can give you plenty of examples but I think most people reading this can figure out what I’m talking about.

    Paranormal handcarts to hell? We all seem to manufacture ours. At least mine has a window in it.

    OK, I’ve answered your question, would it be possible for you to answer one of mine? Or is that too scary?

    Oh–and the banana was always yours, you know that!

    Have a good morning Alfred.

  9. Projection noted, Mr. Pettingill. Moreover? That’s not a window in your handcart; it’s a mirror. Finally, don’t you remember, banana-brain? _You_ sic’d me on _yourself_. It’s ironic you’d so willingly offend Occam to multiply the hypothesis in this regard. You brought me upon yourself, poots. No one else was involved. I’m sure you’d like to inflate your enemies list… …pretend you’re somebody? But, Alas…

    //Oh–and the banana was always yours, you know that!//

    What!?! No citation!?! Goodness Gracious!
    AVG Blog —

  10. Almost right Alfred, a mirror yes but it only looks that way from your end. It\’s two-way glass.

    But, um, you forgot one thing. You were sort of involved here, somewhere I think. It takes two to tango Alfred.

    Besides, I apologized for making you cry over six years ago, remember? You and I are more than even in that regard; in arrears I would say. In fact you still owe me an apolog”and one for Ms R. Lee. You really hurt my feelings or have you forgotten?

    Alfred Lehmberg Says:
    \”What!?! No citation!?! Goodness Gracious!\”

    Heh, you got me there rube. I could cite it if you really want. 😉

  11. Whups! Seems you got angry again. I can’t in good conscience pass that along, ALL except for this bit….

    Thus spake Alfred Lehmberg :

    “ROFL! You have to die. Just kidding (mostly)”

    I think you need to take a break from all this Alfred. Once you stop rolling around on the floor, perhaps you can reflect how serious that kind of thing is–were I to interpret it a certain way.

    Perhaps you were sending it to Mr. Pettingill?

    Hmm, I’ll have to let him know.


  12. odd_emperor says:

    Alfred responded, not here but in his special ranting spot. A place he can mungh about people who disagree with him, safely for no one can comment. He’s got quite a collection! (

    ..Thus spake King Alfred!

    \”Oh push a sock in it, won\’t you please? It takes a real bone-head and mouth breather to pretend he can\’t understand a metaphor. I\’m not surprised. This is just more snot on your cognitive doorknob, Mr. Pettingill. More evidence of your pathetic cluelessness, impossible shallowness, and abject cranial foppery. The preceding is what passes for your own pathetic little \”love song.\”

    More un-witting self-disclosure?

    Moderated? Read it elsewhere then[sic], coward, it wont [sic] be you telling me when to take a break.

    You really are a steaming geek, you know that? I don\’t mean that in a good way. Moreover, the reason you get slapped around like this is because to are too smart a guy to be so intransigently STUPID… plus? You beg for it.

    And so it goes, eh? Mr. Pettingill can forget the other cheek turned. When he tries it? He\’ll discover fresh bruises on the new one. Nes\’t se pas?
    Se pas!\”

    He makes a couple of strange references to T.S. Elliot’s . The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock ( ). I suppose if the Odd Emperor really was a balding geezer eternally mourning lost opportunities–I’d be insulted. Once again; I find it difficult to be insulted by someone SO far off the mark.

    I’m also not inclined to be insulted by the words of some old, balding, barely ambulatory fat guy in po-dunk Alabama. But that of course, is just a metaphor too.

    Alfred’s also saying his ‘You gotta die’ of his statement is merely a metaphor too? Hey! I can dig it! That’s SO much better than a real death threat.

    Just out of curiosity Alfred, what the duce is “You got to die” a metaphor of?

    All of this nonsense does prove my point that some people in UFOlogy have gone completely off some very deep end. It’s not possible to reason with them, they are not reasonable people. Screaming and yelling, hand waving and insults are all they seem to have. Open minded? Pah!

    It pretty much goes to show you that it makes no sense arguing with a pig. (metaphorically speaking.) The more you do it the more dirty you get and the pig likes it!

  13. …You gonna let this one stand, *moderator*?

    You bet! We’ll continue, then, the odious task of ripping off your literary head in a public forum and using said neck for a field toilet. That “metaphoric” enough for you, Mr. Pettingill?

    “Pah”…? You got that right.

    …As to your last, oh so clever, retort, isn’t that _you_ providing the much better evidence of same?

    Yes… yes I suspect it is.
    AVG Blog —

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