Monthly Archives: August 2006

Beowulf: Fiction or History?

“Why, then, do so many literature critics say that Beowulf is fiction? It is because they do not believe that dinosaur creatures lived at the same time men lived. Their evolutionary worldview says that dinosaurs lived long ages before men … Continue reading


UFOs seen in Bonsall again

A UFO hunter claims to have captured alien spaceships on film following a close encounter near Bonsall. Oliver Rowlands, who lives near Stoke-on-Trent in Staffordshire, claims he was surrounded by glowing “orbs” before a “mothership” the size of a football … Continue reading

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The Death of Science

Mark Noonan’‘s take on the death of science. “A lot of different factors – but the main thing was that science could only thrive as it did from about 1650 until 1850 when everyone agreed on the rules. The prime … Continue reading

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Cucumber season!

In Britain we call it the ‘silly season’ – in Poland it’s called the ‘cucumber season’, when the media starts to fill up with nonsense. Letter from Poland by Peter Gentle 29.08.06 Polish politicians came back from their holidays last … Continue reading

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UFO(s) Photographed in British Columbia

by Dirk Vander Ploeg These are the original photos taken by Mark Mann on August 20, 2006. Some guys have all the luck. Mark seems to be a magnet for UFOs. Anyway, he sent me the photos below which were … Continue reading

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It’s a conference Jim, but not as we know it!

Paul Kimball‘s New Frontiers Symposium will be coming your way, October 14th 2006. (if you happen to live in Halifax, Nova Scotia.) The speaker lineup? Greg Bishop Stanton Friedman Paul Kimball Nick Redfern Mac Tonnies William Wise Robert Zimmerman Wow, … Continue reading



ALIENS FROM OUTER SPACE ARE RESPONSIBLE ARE ATHLETES BEING ABDUCTED Ever hear of Roswell how about Area 51 There may well be the Explanation we need about “supposed” performance enhancing drug use by Athletes – Black Athletes our concern – … Continue reading

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Folks who call themselves open-minded.

… in UFOlogy are often are not being open minded, they are behaving like petty tyrants and zealots…. I was thinking about something that one of my Internet friends said. Well, not so much what he said but his overall … Continue reading


Paranoid Views

One hopes that a new Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll is wrong because, if it isn’t, a third of the nation seems to be slipping into La-La Land. The poll claims that a third of Americans suspect that federal officials assisted … Continue reading