Ubiquitous Abductions: Let’s Just Suppose. . .

R. Lee

Probably most of us are jaded about alien abductions by now. Does it matter if you’re a skeptic, debunker, UFOlogoist, or everyday citizen with passing, if any, interest in the subject; we’re all used to the motif of the alien abduction that it elicits an amused — or bemused, depending — shrug of a little laugh.

We see the little inverted triangular faces with the queen bee eyes everywhere; on candy wrappers, tee shirts, skateboards, jewelry, note cards, advertising. Comedians make jokes; the references to being probed and abducted are everywhere in pop culture.

“Belief” is not an issue; the point is moot. Everyone knows what one means when commenting on alien abductions. No need to go further.


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