Ghosts of Taiwan

Fear of upsetting spirits keeps island society on best behaviour

By Mark Magnier
The Los Angeles Times
Taipei, Taiwan (Jul 19, 2006)Chin Wei considers a blockbuster American ghost movie and scoffs.

“I saw Ghostbusters, but that’s not how it’s done,” says the author of several ghost books and the host of radio and television paranormal programs. “You can’t get rid of ghosts that easily, especially with those funny, weird machines. That’s just comedy.”…

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6 Responses to Ghosts of Taiwan

  1. Lesley says:

    Ghost Busters isn’t a documentary? 🙂

  2. Hey, I’e got news for you. Sightings a documentary either. ; )

  3. Lesley says:

    Next you will be saying that X-Files isn’t either. Really OE, what is wrong with you?:-)

  4. I’m just a sick puppy!
    You know, X-Files created by a fellow who admitted he had no interest in the paranormal or UFOs. He knew how to tell a good story though. That was one of the few TV shows I watched, semi-religiously when it first aired.

    There was one X-Files episode that came very close to telling god\’s honest truth, care to guess which?

  5. Lesley says:

    I can’t remember X-Files eps well enough to guess. Shame on me!

  6. OK, it was about the third season, guest stars were Charles Nelson Riley, Jessie Ventura and two USAF issue rubber alien costumes. Tag lines, They brought in two men-in-black except, one was a girl! and I didn’t play D&D all those years and not learn something about courage.”

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