Her beliefs are a world away from most

“Well,” I say, standing to leave. “This has certainly been an interesting afternoon.”

Mary Sutherland stands. She is trembling, I think. Just a little. I extend my hand and thank her for her graciousness. She has been gracious. Not exactly the huckster I had anticipated.

“We should hug,” she says, and she embraces me.

She says: “Don’t make me look silly.”

And I say, “I’ll try.”

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16 Responses to Her beliefs are a world away from most

  1. Old Gary says:

    Poor lady. She would make a great companion to someone we all know from his posts on the blogosphere. 🙂

  2. I have to say one thing about her. She does understand how far off center she’s gotten. She’s aware that not everyone thinks the way she does and not everyone should think she way she does. That’s kind of admirable in a way.

    It’s something that our good friend “Arthur” might think about once an a while. Opinions are like bungholes, everyone has one and they all smell bad. Where it becomes a problem is when people demand that their bunghole smells great and insist on shoving it into peoples faces to sniff. Then they demand people tell them their bunghole smells like a bunch of flowers, boy I hate that!

    It’s OK to voice an opinion, even an unpopular one. It’s not OK to insist to people are stupid if they don’t happen to agree with it. IN my opinion, that is very stupid.

  3. “Where it becomes a problem is when people demand that their bunghole smells great and insist on shoving it into peoples faces to sniff. Then they demand people tell them their bunghole smells like a bunch of flowers, boy I hate that”!

    Isn’t that ironic? Hoisted by your own petard. In my _opinion_ of course.

    AVG Blog — http://alienviewgroup.blogspot.com/

  4. It is ironic Mr. Lehmberg that I do not demand that people accept or even listen to my opinions. I don’t abuse people who disagree with my opinions. I don’t cut people down because of their opinions. If I happen to dislike a person’s ideas I might tell them so, but I don’t dislike them because of their ideas. I don’t abuse people, insult people or otherwise make a complete bore of myself when I disagree with them. I might cut an idea down but I seldom insult the person who’s responsible for the idea.

    In other words, it’s OK to disagree; it’s not OK to be disagreeable.

    Do you not think Mr. Lehmberg, that spirited discussion, is better off without such things?

    If you have some specific beef with me Mr. Lehmberg I would be fascinated to hear it. Otherwise your opinion does not smell like a bunch of flowers, not even a little bit.

  5. “I don’t abuse people who disagree with my opinions. I don’t cut people down because of their opinions. If I happen to dislike a person’s ideas I might tell them so, but I don’t dislike them because of their ideas. I don’t abuse people, insult people or otherwise make a complete bore of myself when I disagree with them. I might cut an idea down but I seldom insult the person who’s responsible for the idea.”

    I’m certain you might feel that way, pausing on your way to Bedlam to beat Mary Sutherland with a thin cane. Then:

    “If you have some specific beef with me Mr. Lehmberg I would be fascinated to hear it.”

    I’m more than a little chagrined that you’re so ready to admit that you just don’t pay attention. Seems we have tomes of same by now, Mr. Pettingill; read the record.

    “Otherwise your opinion does not smell like a bunch of flowers, not even a little bit. ”

    Ah! You blow yourself up with your own sub-standard and shoddy little devise and _my_ opinions don’t smell like flowers? I’m sorry, was this about me? No. No, I don’t think it was.

    AVG Blog — http://alienviewgroup.blogspot.com/

  6. In another space-time, Al Lehmberg did spake…..

    \”I’m certain you might feel that way, pausing on your way to Bedlam to beat Mary Sutherland with a thin cane. Then:\”

    Mary Sutherland? You think saying she’s a little off center is beating her? Good gods Al, that’s not only rich, it’s self evidently hypocritical. She realizes that not everything she says is going to be believed, she’s got a bit of introspection. I like that in a person.

    \”I’m more than a little chagrined that you’re so ready to admit that you just don’t pay attention. Seems we have tomes of same by now, Mr. Pettingill; read the record.\”

    Ah no Al, once you accused me of calling you a madman when I actually said your web page was like looking into the mind of a madman. That’s the only valid beef you’ve come up with in what, several years now?

    \”Ah! You blow yourself up with your own sub-standard and shoddy little devise and _my_ opinions don’t smell like flowers? I’m sorry, was this about me? No. No, I don’t think it was.\”

    What do you think your opinions smell like? Do you think your opinions are more valid than anyone else’s? Do you think other people should just keep their traps shut and listen to only you? Do you really believe that you have a handle on things that the rest of us don’t know about?

    Al, you have some good ideas but you also have some really odd ones too. That doesn’t make you a bad person, it doesn’t make you evil but your predilection towards abuse and your constant attempts at intimidation do not encourage respect in others. I think you would be surprised at how much we agree on and there are many times when I happily say so on your weblog. But I don’t for your constant and seemingly irrational abuse.

  7. 1 (800) waa-waaa Mr. Pettingill. You just can\’t push down what you serve up, forgetting the singular irony of you swinging your accusations of hypocrisy around like a dead cat. That\\\’s a riot. And then you have the gall to lecture me on same… …another riot. To much of this and you\’ll have an INTERNET SWAT team on your flaccid be-hind.

    Why\’d you call attention to the Sutherland story at all? Do you actually think you are superior to her in any way? Her ovaries more than trump what passes for nads in your camp, boyo.

    Have a nice nite…alienview@adelphia.net
    AVG Blog — http://alienviewgroup.blogspot.com/

  8. Ahh! Chickening out at this early hour, how typical!

    What I’m lecturing you about Al are things that seem all too obvious to most people. I shouldn’t have to tell you but, for some strange reason you seem to have the emotional responses of a ten year old. Not that you are likely to learn at your age but, one remains ever hopeful. Someday you might learn that you the center of the entire universe.

    Internet swat team? Is that (yet another) threat Al?

    Nighty night my man. Try to sleep well,

    I always do!

  9. An institutional reaction to a disturbance of the peace metaphor, nym-bulb… get a freaking clue, can’t you? A threat… suffering ZOT! Do you think anybody believes that?

    Moreover, I don’t remotely _require_ the respect of anyone choosing to believe that… …_or_ suggest it. I suspect that was pretty clear.

    I don’t threaten anybody, Mr. Pettingill. But I think I’m getting better at showing them themselves, and I suspect that that’s the real bone of contention here.

    You wrote once in a manner somewhat more muddled than usual that I cried out, begged, for my treatment vis a vis that specious Rich Reynolds charge I was into kiddy-porn… that I _asked_ for it. Well — what kind of treatment do you beg for Mr. Pettingill? Where is your absolution for similar consequences you… *understand*? Outside of consequences of calling Regan Lee a liar. Where are we on that? Is that your *opinion*? How does it smell?

    MMmmm… thought that was just going to slip by, huh… be forgotten? This is the INTERNET where the moving finger writes and having writ… CAN be called back to alter a single line with wit and tears. LOL!

    Yeah… have a great night and a _better_ tomorrow.

    AVG Blog — http://alienviewgroup.blogspot.com/

  10. Consequences for calling Regan Lee a liar? I have done no such thing! She has lied on occasion, in my opinion — that much is true but, did I call her a liar? You’d better justify that statement sir or I believe you owe me an apology. You just hurt my feelings!

    And in any case, who are you to fight someone else’s battles for them? Why are you suddenly Ms. Lee’s champion? Are you now judge, jury and executioner too? At her beck and call? Do you believe in due process. Your dear friend Mr. Reynolds didn’t. Are you going to stoop to his level, or even lower?

    What makes you think that I regret one iota of anything I’ve said? Do you wish to confront me with something specific or are you going to continue this absurd, attempt at intimidation.

    You are correct about one thing Nothing goes away on the Internet. That’s something I dare say Ms Lee has yet to learn.

  11. You either, it would appear. And you know what, Mr. Pettingill? Try to spin this any way you want to… I suspect you won’t be able to back pedal fast enough.

    // Regan Lee lied to you about that Al, and a great many things more I’d bet.//

    Will I stand up for friends? Count on it. Your free ride is over. Time to pay the conductor, boyo. Ms. Lee and I wave our punched tickets in your sweating face… pardon me, FACES!

    Oh — by the way nym-bulb… that’s Mr. Lehmberg, Mr. Pettingill. Your usual sneering disrespect is handily squared and returned to you. Your call.

    AVG Blog — http://alienviewgroup.blogspot.com/

  12. Sure thing Mr. Lehmberg- I expect that apology, soon! You REALLY hurt my feelings with that!

    I didn’t call her a liar, I said I suspect she lied to you about a great many things and I’m willing to bet on that (and I would too, name your terms!)

    Learn to read why don’t you? Stop spinning things yourself and try to remember, I’ve been very nice to you. So far.

  13. Are you _that_ much out of your own loop? Astonishing!

    Can you read and comprehend what you yourself have bashed out on an abused and greasy keyboard (likely with your own sweaty forehead)? The quote is there, has been read by many persons, and the import is as plain as someone of your dodgy communication skills can muster… SPIN? Spin, Mr. Pettingill? ROFL.

    Let me show you how this works, Sir. _You_ say, “…Regan Lee lied to you…” among other protested libels.

    What _is_ the term used for one who lies?

    […Jeopardy music plays while I study my nails…]

    …Time’s up, Mr Pettingill! The answer is “LIAR”!

    See how that works?

    Now I don’t know… maybe Ms. Lee, A mother, educational employee (teacher?), and citizen writer of sincerity justifiably covetous of a reputation… …might take a little umbrage at your sloppy and insulting use of the King’s English… or she may be more a lady than you are a gentleman. But pull that reflexive crap around me, boyo, and I’ll eat your literary face. Not a threat, Mr. Pettingill. An assurance.

    It’s _your_ public apology for mispeaking should be forthcoming, Mr. Pettingill. Demanding one from me is so much empty if _duplicitous_ air.

    …How’s _that_ smell? Right! It’s _your_ top lip! Now go have a wash and a brush-up and come back with your hat in your hand!

    AVG Blog — http://alienviewgroup.blogspot.com/

  14. Um no AL hon, that’s not what I said at all. Read it again until you understand, stop making things up.

    Another thing; you should stop insulting people. You just called Ms. Lee a liar, do you know that? By reading stuff out of context you have implied that I’ve named her a liar (which I have never done.) My intent regarding that statement is far more important than your crazy sounding interpretation. You have deeply insulted her. By bringing this up over and over you dragging her into the same mud that you are attempting to drag me through. Are you sure you wish to do that.

    1), I believe Ms Lee has lied to me on one or two occasions. I have several statements that can be attributed to her (directly from her IP address) that were patently false. These are things I can prove if necessary.
    2), I believe she’s told you some things which are not true but, only you know for sure. Are you willing to send me all your communication with Ms Lee for the past say year or so, with full header info?
    3), you will immediately stop reading more into what I said, and I believe you owe both Ms Lee and myself an apology. Both for bringing this up and causing it to be aired in such a public way.
    4), Ms Lee has been wanting this fight for a long time. She’s been using you Al, don’t you see that?
    5), if Ms Lee has a problem with anything I’ve said she’s invited to contact me directly and we can work it out.
    6) If you have some problem with me you may also contact me directly. If your intent is to harass rather than work out a solution, than pray”continue.

  15. Astonishing! None so blind, Mr. Pettingill, none so blind. Even to the point of itemizing your libelous rationalization. Think you have a dead-lock-nut on the jurisprudence, boyo? Reading from Mr. PeeKer’s libel law for dummies?

    Astonishing, sincerely. Proclaim a person lying and then propound she’s not a liar. Cute _if_ moronic.

    Is that your *opinion*? Stinky!

    AVG Blog — http://alienviewgroup.blogspot.com/

  16. Remember the bylaws chum. You are perilously close to losing right now!

    So Al, have you ever told a lie, even once? Do you think Ms Lee is pure as the driven snow too? Do you think she’s never lied to anyone’”ever?

    Why I never knew I was in such august company! Behold! The Red Queen Regan Lee and and The Lemming King Alfred Lehmberg! Two people who have never lied!

    I Am not worthy I Am not worthy! 🙂

    BTW, it’s not libel if it’s the truth Al. Regan knows this and that’s why she sent you.

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