
Other than some stranger blatting a bunch of frustrated inanities into a new web log, somone who SOUNDS a lot like my darling Red Queen (now calm down ReaganI’m not the only one who thinks so.) What is really hilarious is, that whomever this person is actually clams to be a new Rich Remolds! That’s a little like Vladimir Putin claiming to be the Joe Stalin of the 21st century. What a foot bullet!

Not that I blame her (or any of the other characters in the Odd Empire.) It’s got to be maddening that their TV based fantasy worlds don’t just come true. I can only imagine what it would feel like if the evil government suddenly came clean and said, ‘“hey good people, yes aliens have been infiltrating the Earth for generations. They have technology we can’t match, they abduct millions of people for foul sexual experiments and anal probes. If your real lucky they’ll just make soup out of you! But, Its OK, your government is negotiating a deal with the aliens. Only 2% of you will be chopped up or sexually assaulted in exchange for us political types getting the secret for better hair growth! A real bargain!”

Alas, the gritty reality sets in and they realize that the world is pretty much the way it was yesterday, no aliens no vast government conspiracies to poison the air or make their teeth fall out. It’s just life you know? Not aliens. Well, there are LOTS of marketing people and advertisers, those are the real evildoers (*brrr!)

Most notable thing this week? Paul Kimball’s planning to host a UFO Symposium in Halifax, Nova Scotia this October.

A UFO Symposium? A wild Greek party where guys in chitons will drink lots of wine, watch dancing girls and flick the dregs at each other?

Oh, you don’t mean that kind of Symposium (rats!) You mean a sober get-together where folks will talk about the state of UFOlogy such as it is. Get to know each other and maybe hove into to the local watering spot for some more spirited conversation.

And the strange thing about all this? So far, not an alien or contactee in sight. That’s right my incredulous audience! This as yet unnamed Symposium is not about what the strange bug-eyed creatures plunged into someone’s bunghole. It sounds more like a sober, rational look at the state of UFOlogy and how this rather exotic field can be pulled into the scientific community so that some real work can be done.

This mght turn out to be exactly what the woo-woos hate. Actual communication! An exchange of ideas. Leave your egos and pet beliefs by the door kind of stuff. Is that even possible? In this world of reflexive hard-nosed beliefs which do not tolerate descending opinion (narrow mindedness in so many words.) is it possible to that Kimball has the right stuff to make this happen? Can he do all that AND make a profit?

Stay tuned!

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10 Responses to Symposiums

  1. Paul Kimball says:

    Make a profit? Ha! I’ll be happy to break even.

    Besides, the real profit is in the sharing of knowledge, and getting to meet and hang out with people I like… although it took some convincing on my part vis-a-vis the “better half” in that regard! 🙂


  2. odd_emperor says:

    I hope you make some profit, otherwise you won’t do another and I’d like to come up and meet you folks one of these days. This year would be quite impossible but, perhaps next year?

  3. Lesley says:

    Is there a difference between a symposium and a conference? I have been so irked with the Roswell event the past several years that I have thought of putting together my own.

  4. Symposiaum and Conference are the same thing in this context, I was making a small joke on the root-word for symposium which essentially means frat party.

    So, Lesley, what is irking you about the Roswell event?

  5. Paul Kimball says:

    Lesley (and Odd):

    The differences are slight, but a symposium is generally regarded to have a more academic bent. But, again, it’s a slight difference.


  6. Lesley says:

    What irks me about the Roswell event – First, I realize it is for “families” out on summer vacation, but most of it seems to be aimed at children, parades, fireworks, alien costume contest, that type of thing. That wouldn’t really bother me if they had a lot of really good speakers, but they don’t. Normally at least Stanton will show up, but he didn’t even make it this year and the line up of guests really sucked for such a huge event that attracts so many people. There is no way I would drive the 2 – 3 hours it takes to get there for the speakers they had. I think I could get better guests at the spur of the moment, let alone if I had an entire year to plan it. Although, they are having a Halloween event this year that sounds as though it might be interesting, we will see.

  7. Lesley says:

    One of my favorite books ever, in case you didn’t post my blog post earlier in the week.

  8. Lesley says:

    I meant in case you didn’t notice my blog post. Fingers work faster than brain.

  9. Heh!

    Have you read American Gods by Neil Gaiman?

  10. Oh yah! Duh! I saw the post and promptly forgot all about it. I read Good Omens right after it came out, long before Gaiman was cool.

    Whatever might have happened at Roswell will now, forever be bound up with the circus-like atmosphere they’ve created around themselves. Few people want to hear the truth anymore. Roswell was probably one of those classic military blunders that simply took on a life of its own.

    I’v never been there, I want to one day.

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