What now? Peace!? With ……. ALIENS?

I got this off of James Gilliland’s daly screed.

It’s the latest comedy coming out of the venerable Exopolitics Institute. Get ready for the Hawaii Declaration on Peaceful Relations with Extraterrestrial Civilizations, you can sign the petition here, tell them the Odd Emperor sent you!

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5 Responses to What now? Peace!? With ……. ALIENS?

  1. Lesley says:

    I find it irritating that these people are so completely sure that aliens are peaceful, especially if any of them have any belief in abduction. Just because aliens don’t blow up the planet doesn’t mean they don’t have their own agenda and as long as they don’t share that agenda there is no way to know they are peaceful. 9 times out of 10 secret agendas are for the benefit of those keeping it secret.

  2. Hey Lesley; Thanks for stopping by! And thanks for the link.

    Well I agree with you up to a point. The overwhelming evidence (if one accepts anecdotal evidence as cannon.) is that many encounters with aliens are overwhelmingly harmful. Not only are private and cherished functions (for lack of a better word) are being violated, physical harm is very often reported as a consequence. At the very least just from the many sexual encounter tales one could reasonably assume that ET is either not concerned with humanity’s well being or downright hostile. The very fact that aliens have not formally contacted humanity speaks volumes of their motives. Remember that no human government has the power to cover up even one public encounter with extra-terrestrials. They stay hidden by their choice, not ours. Perhaps this is a glass-half-full viewpoint, I don’t know but the whole thing irritates me.

    However the big caveat (at least me is) where’s the dang proof? Why do people keep running around proclaiming that aliens are here when they are unable to provide any evidence (let alone a real alien.)

  3. Mr. Pettingill, *proof* is only evidence one accepts as *proof*. I submit there are those who shall not be convinced _without regard_ to the quality of the evidence. Constantly caterwauling that tedious canard that “there is no evidence” is to identify oneself only as one who cannot accept the evidence that is there. “More to Heaven and Earth” forgetting hell… and all that? The best in your camp is a poor arbiter of same, and regularly demonstrates such in the opinion of better men and women that you or me. N’est ce pas?

    This may be the nicest I’m ever going to be with you, try to enjoy it.

    As to affect of the *contact* in question conjectured? That may depend entirely on the person having the experience, eh?

    AVG Blog — http://alienviewgroup.blogspot.com/

  4. Hey Mr. Lehmberg;

    I think you are correct. Proof is subjective to some extent. Or perhaps some are more discerning of what they think proof is. Others are more – shall we say, gullible? I would be happy to accept the ETH, or that you’re even a pretty nice person, if only I had a little evidence.

    This is not about proof sir, it’s about beliefs. Your belief that ET’s going to swoop down from the sky and save us all, my belief in humanity, that we have the ability to save ourselves. If only we believe in ourselves and stop looking for our parents in the sky. I’d take my beliefs over yours any day because I haven’t given up.

  5. Scott says:

    Proof you want is it?

    What are crop circles please?

    Only two options as far as i can see

    Human made or not

    If human made how and why

    if not how and why etc

    please forgive my simple views

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