Today’s the big day!

If Eric Julien is correct a truck-sized chunk of Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann. will smash into the Atlantic Ocean at somewhere between 15 and 40 kilometers a second. This will cause (according to Eric Julien and his psychic friends) a huge volcano to erupt (or something) which in a Rub Goldberg kind of way will cause 200 meter tsunamis radiate from the epicenter, washing over major cities this will be a MAJOR DISASTOR which Hollywood (not being directly affected) will make movies about for the next decade or two (probably not with Tom Cruse though.)

We here at the Odd Empire are waiting with abated breath (or mostly ignoring it as the case may be.) As we are located in the unfashionable west side of the American East Coast the Odd Empire will surely be washed away, never to bother all the true believers again. More likely will be the chuckle watching Eric Julien backpedal on this when the alien-caused event does’t happen. We’ll be standing by to see how all of this goes.

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4 Responses to Today’s the big day!

  1. Old Gary says:

    I guess it’s safe to come out of the ark I built?

  2. Oh I suppose. You could use it as a tourist attraction.

    In any case, another freaky doomsday prediction will start circulating around a few weeks; you can take that as a prediction from the Odd Emperor.

  3. Paul Kimball says:


    Alas, I fear you are correct.

    What’s even worse is that there will probably be people who think Julien had it right, and by warning us about it, and encouraging us to think good thoughts (or some such), we convinced the aliens to re-direct the meteor.



  4. Hey Paul;

    Its happened before, over and over again as a matter of fact. I think this kind of thing is actually harmful because some people packed up and left town for a few days. What happens when a real disaster is predicted (like a hurricane.) Will folks become complacent and try to stick it out when they should go to higher ground now that Chicken-little has sounded?

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