Another Deadline !

Strange pockets of the Internet are abuzz today. A MAJOR DISASTER is about to occur! (BTW, the term MAJOR DISASTER must always be in all caps.)

Eric Julien writes

What will occur on May 25, 2006? Perhaps a planetary catastrophe originating from the Atlantic Ocean due to a medium size impact event. On this assumption, a series of giant waves, including one méga tsunami almost two hundred meters in height, will be born from a succession of underwater eruptions. These watery giants, decreasing with distance, will touch the majority of the Atlantic coasts; in particular, those most at risk lie between the equator and the tropic of Cancer. The victims of May 25 2006 will be tens of millions. The devastated survivors will be more numerous still. The economic losses will be enormous, well beyond the scales of destruction hitherto tested by our civilization. North America and Europe will not be saved, but will be affected in less dramatic proportions. By extension, other remote countries will be also affected.

(Translated from the French)

By dint of supra-human psychic powers (and some space buddies,) Someone by the name of Eric Julien has concluded that the East Coast of the US will be struck by a giant tsunami on MAY 28 OF THIS YEAR!!!!! Is this a realistic look into our very near future? Eric Julien (aka Jean Ederman) seems to think so. He’s a French ex pilot who’s written a few bits for the Exopolitics Journal, notably a piece entitled Are we a Security Threat to Extraterrestrial Civilizations.

But, even the good folks over at Exopolitics think this idea is more than a little too strange. Writes exopolitics’s guru Michael E. Salla, PhD,

In conclusion, despite Eric’s clear sincerity, I believe he has misinterpreted the available public data and overemphasized his own personal data gained through extraterrestrial experiences. I conclude that a devastating impact by a fragment of comet 73P Schwassman-Wachman is in fact unlikely. There are profound foreign policy and exopolitical implications raised by the Bush administration’s drive to sanction a preemptive nuclear war against Iran as originally reported by Seymour Hersh. The exopolitical implications deserve balanced scholarly analysis so the public can be properly informed of the consequences of such a war, the link with extraterrestrials, and how extraterrestrials may respond; and not be distracted by unconfirmed predictions of a devastating comet strike.

OK, I have to agree with him on this point. Eric Julien is very sincere!

But, acording to Julien/ Ederman (whatever he calls himself,) the aliens are VERY pissed off at our current political situation. So much that, instead of just calling up the US President’s office and explaining their concerns like any US citizen might do, they elected to demonstrate in an alien way. By knocking a chunk from comet SW-3 which is coincidentally making a close pass this year. This fact, Julien’s recent dreams of huge waves crashing into the US and CROP CIRCLES showing–well we are not sure what they are really showing but its got to be important!

He writes;

Chance? This luminous start will reach a magnitude thousand times higher than the normal in October 1995, after having passed by its perihelion and to have sailed in parallel during several million kilometers to the terrestrial orbit. For a comet to break apart at the time of its closest passage to the Earth an explicit symbol? Wouldn’t this be an exopolitical message of a great clarity?

Or it could be a natural progression caused by well known gravitational effects but that’s just scientific malarkey, we all know it doesn’t stand up well against French psychic evidence and crop circles made by aliens.

The good news (If you happen to be Regan Lee or Alfred Lehmberg.) The Odd Empire is located on the unfashionable west side of the East Coast! That means there is a very good chance that the Odd Empire itself will be washed away, never to trouble a poor woo again!

What’s really funny about this? (outside of the obvious), The Odd Emperor thinks that the whole exopolitical thing is a bunch of malarkey in the first place. That makes the people’  over at who are distancing themselves from Julien/ Ederman recursively well….you know! The nerve of them! Proclaiming that his ideas are nuttier than theirs! (not to mention that the term Exopolitics is not in the Microsoft spell checker which means it’s not a real word!) That ALONE should show how deranged I am! > )



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