James Gilliland got um….issues?

his thing dropped into the bejeweled Odd Empire Imperial transom. it’s from James Gilliland’s Self Mastery Earth Institute newsletter, published several times a day by James and some helpful aliens (we can only assume.)

[ECETI News] Response to Donald Ware who supports chemtrails;

Dear Donald. Please fill out the following questionnaire

Is the murder of innocent people okay?
Is poisoning the air, water and land okay?
Is killing justifiable of men women and children as a direct result
of chemtrails without their knowing okay?
What is the effect of ethylene dibromide a banned pesticide due to
its extreme carcinogenic nature and aluminum oxide creating memory
loss and Alzheimer’s increased exponentially by fluoride?
What happens when the immune system is compromised?
What opens the door to opportunistic diseases lying dormant in the
body? Who decides who and how many of the population die, what are the
The answer to your previous statement if I was enlightened I would
know why this is necessary. My answer is if you truly believe the
masses need to be culled you first. If you are an enlightened man
teach by example. Even a third grader understands KARMA which in
arrogance we often think we are above. We come up with all kinds of
noble reasons to murder, kill, poison, control and dominate yet are
they really noble or enlightened? It is such a noble gesture to say
it is good for the planet and the people, all done in service yet
service to who? Which people does it serve? The elite keep missing
the reality that no one is above Karma or action reaction. Killing,
poisoning, controlling are all methods of a very unevolved, ignorant
and arrogant consciousness. Gandhi said,”The only thing that brings
me solace in the face of tyranny is the immutable law of karma”. Now
that is enlightenment. PS who does the military serve? Certainly not
the people anymore. Who do you serve? Be brutally honest with
yourself your souls future depends on it and no, the Angels and
benevolent Ets are not behind these works that bring death, disease
and suffering. I would check in again I think the ones you might be
talking too are quite a bit lower in the evolutionary scale in fact
they probably have scales. Time to wake up and smell the coffee.
Also Dr Teller, the father of chemtrails was an idiot that loved to
set of nuclear bombs yet you hold him in high regard as to what is
good for the planet? Why not just quote Hitler he had some great
ideas too, also had a d’plan as to who lived and who died. His plan
did not work out to well either.
James Gilliland www.eceti.org

James seems to be referring to this fellow He’s got some fascinating takes on stuff, some wacky ideas but, saying that he wants to cull the masses? Seems a bit extreme to me!

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