Monthly Archives: April 2006

James Gilliland got um….issues?

his thing dropped into the bejeweled Odd Empire Imperial transom. it’s from James Gilliland’s Self Mastery Earth Institute newsletter, published several times a day by James and some helpful aliens (we can only assume.) [ECETI News] Response to Donald Ware … Continue reading

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A paragraph and misunderstandings, The Condon Report. Let me preface this by saying, I wasn’t always interested in UFOs and such things. Once I liked cartoons, and teddy-bears! But, when the 1960s were waning and I was in the 5th … Continue reading


Eric Pianka; Prophet or Pariah?

Unless you just crawled out from under a rock yesterday (And having corresponded with some of you I have no doubt. ; ) you have probably heard the buzz regarding the Lizard guy Eric Pianka. Or more specifically, some comments … Continue reading


The Real Problem

Jason Rosenhouse has a good rant on the Evolutionblog The real problem is that if you did a poll in which you asked people whether discussing the second law of thermodynamics versus the theory of evolution indicates that the former … Continue reading

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