Adolescent fantasies of pathetic, fat, stupid, people

Drivein 8

Here is a really good article which comes way of The Red Queen and her disinformation blog UFO blips.

Noted astronomer Dr. Laban Shrewsbury (noted in the Astronomical Journal of Cosmetology no less.) is this months s feature in The Wicked Scholar. He’s touting his latest book “Use Your Head and Stop Being Such a Loser, You Loser.”

Dr. Shewsbury is the head of the SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) project at the Mount Kadath Observatory in Arkham Mass I should point out that this guy really doesn’t head up SETI at Mount Kadath. That’s a complete and utter fabrication! It’s Mount Al-Hazred in the State of Delaware.

I really hate it when people get the details wrong!


“ What I find absolutely amazing, “ says Dr Shewsbury is the number of people who believe totally and completely that intelligent aliens routinely visit the earth and carry out experiments on human subjects. Over the past several decades, I have been contacted by literally hundreds of people who sincerely believe that they have been the victim of an alien abduction”

I truly sympathize with him.

“–Critical thinkers, of course, instantly recognize abduction stories for what they really are; the adolescent fantasies of pathetic, fat, stupid, people with empty, meaningless lives. Many of them live below the poverty level and long to escape from an unbearable existence. They fervently wish they could be a Han Solo, a Captain Kirk, a beautiful and powerful queen on a distant planet.”

Captain Kirk, a beautiful and powerful queen on a distant planet? Oookaay!

Oh, *or a* beautiful and powerful queen on a distant planet.


“As most people who believe in alien abductions are stupid and poorly educated, explaining the realities of physics, biology, chemistry, and astronomy is like trying to describe a jet engine to a chimpanzee. It’s a futile activity.”

That much is true!

Anyway, the real gem of this article is how offended some people have gotten over it

Billy Boot over at writes.

I was totally shocked when I read an article about a recent lecture given by astronomer Dr. Laban Shrewsbury. Who is this guy? And where does he get off with the stupid, ridiculous things he says? You just have to read the comments he made, and I hope it makes you as mad as it did me. The only way I could have been any more irate was if I was an abductee myself.”

Well he has a point; getting dragged out of bed at 3 AM, taken aboard a silly looking space craft by some freaking freaky looking blokes with large heads who perform strange operations on your genitalia would really make me irate!

Is that what he meant?

Red Queen says.

And yet he thinks it possible there is ET out there. I think his awful, lazy, and rude rejection of the “fat, stupid and pathetic” is simply a defense. By making such a ludicrous statement, he distances himself from the so-called loonies — those who “believe” in alien abductions — which then gives him some bit of credibility about ET among those who otherwise would laugh him off the stage; his colleagues.

The Red Queen has such a way with words.

So what’s the cost of all this?
Couple of hours to write the piece. 40-60 dollars.
A smidgen of bandwidth and a few amps of electricity. >.10 cents.
Getting some woo-woos bent out of shape over absolutely nothing?


Like a banana?

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