Suggested Code Of Ethics For The Investigator

I pulled this off of UFO Updates this morning. Updates has been unusually tranquil of late. A refreshing change from what it was like only a month ago.

This bit struck me as a very good idea for anyone wanting to investigate such high strangeness as UFOs or just about anything else in the paranormal field. Too bad the word “science” is uttered in the code. People not really trying to move the field forward will probably ignore it.

Code Of Ethics

The following Code Of Ethics contains standards of conduct which define the basic essentials of honorable behavior for the

1. An investigator will always regard responsibility to the truth as paramount.
2. An investigator will conduct all investigations and allied matters with integrity; be honest in all professional
3. interactions; and strive to report those deficient in character or competence, or engaging in fraud or deception, to appropriate entities.
4. An investigator will respect the wishes of witnesses, colleagues, and professionals; and shall safeguard confidences and privacy.
5. An investigator will continue to study, apply and advance scientific knowledge; to observe the precepts of truth, accuracy
6. and prudence; and to make relevant information available to colleagues and the public.
7. An investigator will always respect the law and legal authority.

(from WEIRD HAPPENS – Investigator Handbook)

Yours in research,

Robert A. Goerman
Unconventional Investigator
of Unconventional Phenomena

It’s really gratifying to find people who actually want to investigate, rather than validate one or more strange belief systems. That method has been around for thousands of year and reached a pinnacle around the time people thought divining the future was best done with a pile of sheep entrails.

People learn, but it takes time.

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