The UFO Theatre


Last year one of the big stories over at Rense was this amazing video from this most reliable sounding source, UFO Theater  Now on their web page? A supposed confession although some UFO believers are saying the site was hacked.

As of this writing the page seems to have been taken down and my tecknoflunky tells me that he’s been hosting this bogus crap since September of 2002. Here’s a Web Archive feed from April 1st of 2005.

Here s some of the chatter on Rense.

No, I think this is the real deal….. I pulled this off of UFO Theater just before it vanished.

“Well, that began my experiments to say the least…. I had did research on all the best ufo hoaxers around and learned that people believed just about anything they were told… or shown… I branched out after that…. Knowing that i could do just about anything and people would but it… I began my experiments in consumer idiocy… I began by making the most absurd sh(%$) i could think of and putting up advertisements on to see if the sh(%$) would sell… SURE enough the sh(%$) sold at least 5 to 10 times my initial advertising investments… My first silly ass experiment was a book i had published called “The secret of immortality”… This was a total wreak of stoner insanity… for an entire week i got stoned and wrote up this insane crazy shit about how you can be reincarnated… i made a very pretty sweet website and paid and the advertisement was good! I only had 200 copies printed at the press and within a week 150 were sold… i knew that the book sucked ass and that whenever the people got them they would complain to and sure enough they did…. the ad was taken down and i was refunded half the money… however i sold 150 copies all for $29.95 a piece.. the advertisement was about $500 back then for a showcase and i was refunded $250 so i made a phat weeks pay of about… $4000… So yea no love lost…”


The entire ufo scene is full of whacked out cracker jacks…. All hell bent on making a buck! There are NO exceptions! So here is the story you have all been dying to tell…..right from the horses ass – Peace out (to) my wormy internet stalking weirdos (sic) with no lives!

Hes not exactly right, most people in the UFO biz are not inclined or smart enough to make money in the field. There are SO many possibilities but almost all of them involve some form of hucksterism. Most people that I encounter in the UFO field are well meaning types who just, lie to themselves.

I must say though that hoaxing people for money is pretty low. Its Right down there with starting a religion to make money. I much prefer the magician paradine, “first we agree that it is a hoax, now, prepare to be amazed!”s doing the same thing but its much more ethical.

This fellow is behaving like a cat caught doing something foolish“Oh you got me! I MEANT to do that..bwaa ha-ha!”

Ya sure-sure bub! You only admitted it when there was no way to wriggle your way out.

Share and enjoy!

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3 Responses to The UFO Theatre

  1. Candice says:

    Thanks for linking this. I’d forgotten all about that video, but it sure was a laugh and a half for a while last year!

  2. No problem!

    I just wish I’d archived his whole site!

  3. X-Tester says:

    Ethical hoaxing? OK. Check this out:

    It’s all part of a new TV show coming to TLC this month called X-TESTERS. It follows Clark and Patrick as they travel around re-creating paranormal events in an attempt to figure out what really happened. Ghosts, UFO’s, strange creatures and more are all put to the test as they go to the real places and meet the real people. Catch it if you can.

    Get scheduling and other info at:

    May the farce be with you,

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