you ….agree you will not Sue….

This has got to be the most humorous disclaimer I’ve ever seen!

By entering this site you agree you will not Sue us, Hold us Liable nor Responsible for what you are about to read about and see if you do we will counter sue since you have violated our rights. All photography, buttons, logos are property of the Paranormal & Ghost Society. If you see something that is yours let us know and will ensure you get proper credit or remove it of course with the fact you provide us official paperwork that it is yours or proof so we know if a mistake occurred due to it possibly being found on a free site etc. If y ou support the NWO, are Against the people or Affiliated with the United States Government please Exit. If you work for any law enforcement agency you are not allowed to enter this site if you do again we will pursue charges against the pending officer and any agencies. By entering this site You Agree to these terms by not following them if you enter this site Without following these terms you will be held liable in return. What you are about to see are REAL investigations of the paranormal and some of the b e s t paranormal photography in the world. What you do with the information and knowledge Cannot be used against us. We are a Legal business and we provide some nonprofit services and some commercial services as well although the profits that are concurred are Very Small in margin. You also agree not to enter this site if you have a Weak Heart some photos are Very shocking. We are Crusaders Of The Truth but we also are believers in the Old Ways and you will too after you take our journey. We Believe in the constitution and refuse to have our freedom of speech taken away. Also If you are a hacker or somebody out to cause us Difficulties we keep multiple copies of this site and our evidence with a Variety of people on CD-Rom and the names are hidden. This Ensures our safety for the site and us So think again. Any hacker attempt will be turned into the FBI and law enforcement agencies and yes I will prosecute you. Most of our graphics belong to PGS some of them have been transloaded from our members and free sites for use. We claim that the Music is not our own and that we make absolutely make No Money from the music it is on our site for your pleasure if you like it Purchase the CD I have purchased all musical songs which Allows me to use it on my site…..

And it goes on for lots longer. You have to see this to believe it.

But, guys? I promise I won’t call you Sue – OK?

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2 Responses to you ….agree you will not Sue….

  1. Paul Kimball says:


    I assume that they’re joking, because their “disclaimer” is, for all intents and purposes, legally worthless.


  2. I don’t think these guys are kidding. I looked at their web page, the whole thing is written like that. They do some crazy stuff too. Chase ghosts around with swords and that kind of thing. If its a joke its a ripping good one!

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