Almost unbelievable!

I was alerted to this web page by the Empress et-al. She started shouting at her computer the other day (never a good sign.)

But it was not a virus, or a lost file, some random application crash or even the dreaded “I can’t print.”

No, it was this page, God Hates Fags. God hates fags is one of those web pages that you have to see to believe. Think that Landover Baptist (a christen parody page) is wacky? God Hates Fags is the real thing. God Hates Fags is the web page of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topica Kansas. The brain-child of Fred Phelps, a “five point Calvinist.” Phelps!

Calvinism alone is one of those toxic offshoots of the Catholic Reformation that should have sputtered and perished. Done away with like the idea that breaking people over the wheel is a good way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Five point Calvinism? Imagine the Taliban wearing cowboy hats and running around picketing funerals.

What? Can’t imagine that? Take a look at this web page. These folks sound like they are seriously sick to the point that, I almost cannot believe them. But this is not a parody, it would be funny if it was.

Like their so called love crusade at the funeral of Coretta Scott King. where they preach that she’s even now tormented by ETERNAL HELLFIRE (the words eternal hellfire must always be in all caps.)

They bring children to the pickets, have them hold up signs reading GOD HATES THE USA and other such kind words.

Although I must say, Fred Phelps and the Odd Emperor do agree on one thing. He thinks that George W. Bush has done more to propel this country to doom and into the wrath of god than anyone one else. I can’t argue with that!
You know what though? Given the choice of eternal hellfire, (sorry ETERNAL HELLFIRE) and living in eternity around the likes of Fred Phelps? At least the company in hell would be much more interesting.

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