The entry in James Galliard’s ECETI news service begins;

I have not verified this object and I am open to anyone else who
has more information. I would use your own judgement on this one and
do what every research you can.

(signed) James


(from) OH MY GOD

FIRST, LET ME SAY …TO YOU DEBUNKERS stay out of thsi thread. …this is not the time to be disputing what is coming……the Tracking station from Russia and Ecaudor SOUTH American are tracking a monsterous ,huge object with a big cloud of dust around it….and all of the South American TV stations are carrying this stiuation and are advising everyone to get prepared…..also they are saying could and most likely will be a Huge Earthquake ….estimated time of arrive of thie object that will be vivible to the Southen Hemisphere will be around FEB 6…. the impact of this object is yet unknown but could cause masswive quake around the
San Franciso area fracturing the
San Adreas Fault and are telling people to prepare…..anyone who can speak Spanish please go to the TV. stations of UNVISON,,,,GALAVISON….TELEMUNDO….TVCHILE……..SURPEURO ……VENNEZULA….THIS IS NOT A joke….PEEEPS…..WAPTPUERTORICO…….. ONe man was interviewed and wanted to have CNN ..MSNBC And Affilate stations to put this on thier networks ,,,,but the man said that he could not do it because he would be arrested under the Partiot act in the Us. MORE TO COME…..


The entry comes from an Internet forum called Godlike Productions,
UFOs, Conspiracy Theories, Lunatic Fringe.
I think James can relax. The sky’s probably not falling just yet…..
Then again!

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2 Responses to LISTEN UP PEEPS!!!!!!!!! THIS IS FOR REAL!!!!!!!

  1. Tim Printy says:

    hmmmm…. As if the voice of the “debunkers” could stop an actual astronomical event! I think he needs to put up or shut up. Orbital elements for any astronomical object are not difficult to obtain and could easily verify this claim. Another doomsday prediction that will come and go with nothing happening on the date in question. Gosh…. I love the internet!!!

  2. The voice of the debunkers can no more stop an astronomical event as the voice of the believers can create one. So far as which group I belong to? I never wish for planet-crushing astronomical events.

    I’m not crazy! ; )

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