Some time ago we started receiving some strange and alarming emails from a Mr. Laruence Litetowler in Sarasota Florida. Alarming because of their content and the strident tone of the sender.
“to The Odd Empire
From Laruence Litetowler
Odd Emeperor
I saw your write up on the time cube site that Eugene stole from me. He’s thinks that by getting his theory on the intranet he can destroy the TRUE and COMPLETE STUPENDUS TIME CONE which is NOT a theory but a FACT and only if I could get the STUPENDUS TIME CONE into the intranet then the whole would see my excessive genius.
You are obviously a dumb jerk who cant see the excessive genius of I the MOST GENIUS HUMAN who has figgurrd out the STUPENDUS TIME CONE, you think that idiot Eugene with his DUMB time cube is more enlightened than me. WHAT A SAD PATHETIC MORON YOU ARE!!!!!
Laruence L
From The Odd Emperor,
To Laruence Litetowler
Thanks for the “nice letter.”
Have a great life, (dork!)
The Odd Emperor
“to The Odd Emporoe
From Laruence Litetowler
You think you are so damn smart? You don’t have my EXCESIVE GENIUS because you never thought of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE and I have! You may have just this intranet site but I have the STUPENDUS TIME CONE truth and you witsh you had it. If I could do this intranet web page comuter thing I would publish the TRUTH and not the stupid intranet page that you make. You are frade of putting the TRUTH of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE on your comuter intranet page because you are just a lousy COUWARD!!!!1
Laruence L
Hi Mr. L;
You intrigue the Odd Emperor. If you send me your time cone information I could host a time cone (er) “intranet computer web pageust for you. Then the ENTIRE WORLD will see just what a dufus (er genius) you REALLY ARE!
How about that?
The Odd Emperor.
I never received an answer. I forgot about the whole thing. The letters ended up in the Imperial Files and I went on to other things.
But, one morning the Imperial post came with a manila envelope, addressed to the Odd Emperor. inside was an ordinary disk with the words “PROOF!!!!” written in a shaky hand on the disk itself. On the floppy was a web page, (sort of.) It was in that same oddball style that Gene Ray uses for his time-cube page. Lots of random fonts, some photos and crazy ranting.
The next day another floppy arrived with more ranting.
Not knowing what to do I asked my Imperial technoflunkis to go ahead and publish the whole mess. After all, I did promise!
The Odd Emperor
The Time Cone page from the first disk.