Random Thoughts of the Day

From this…

This is pretty funny and illustrates the *perception* many believers have regarding skeptics. The real funny thing is that, if anyone on the skeptical side uttered an inanity like that they would be severely trounced by the regulars. I’ts not ironic at all that this illustration comes from Chick Publications, people who also believe in eternal hellfire, angels with wings and demons with pitchforks.

Likewise, people who believe in this vision of a ,“typical” skeptic also believe in aliens, bigfoots and chupa-what-do-you-call-ums. It’s too bad, some are very smart people but they’ve gotten themselves in something of a Fortian trap. One that allows no quarter and no dissent of any kind. It gives them so little wiggle room that they *always* resort to passionate, illogical argument and nearly always descend into rude ad-hominem fallacies.

You can’t talk to these people sometime, they fear communicating with a real skeptic more than they fear aliens. The reason they try to make skeptics into that Chick illustration is because they *want* to fear that which they don’t agree with. They make up things just like they make up aliens and Bigfoot.

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