Viva La Difference

I look at the UFO Updates list when I’m in need of a chuckle. Not that most of the posters there are to laugh at. Many are sober, reasonable people. Folks I would be happy to hoist a beverage with at a local watering hole or get into a deep conversation about most anything. Some *are* folks that I’ve gotten into conversations with, in various places on the Internet.

Others? To judge some people by their writing? Well; it’s to imagine them at some Zoo for frustrated UFOlogests. Behind stout bars of reason and logic they shake their fists uselessly at the world and fling brown malodorous chunks of fantasy and unreason at the passing patrons.

For example.

In a thread entitled; ÓUfology’s Internal War.”

Eugene Frison writes, responding to a call from Robert Frola
for all UFOlogests to stand together irregardless of their beliefs.

I can’t agree with your closing sentence. Having differences of
opinion (but staying objective and using proper scientific
methodologies) is one thing, but believing/propagating unfounded
speculation is another.

The biggest obstacle this field has to making progress (whether
that is understanding the nature of the UFO phenomenon or
getting acceptance by the public, media, scientific community,
etc.) is – to quote Richard Hall in a recent post – “the cancer
that has invaded this field.”

To stand united with this group is to ensure that Ufology continues to
be ridiculed and on a path that could bring it to its doom. Only by
somehow seperating disciplined Ufology from the foolishness – and having
the public, media, and scientific community understand and recognize
this seperation – does the field have any hope.

Standing collectively with the con men, frauds, psychotics,
wild-eyed believers, channellers, etc. that comprise a hugh part
of this field is the worst possible approach in attempting to
make ufology accepted and successful.

Ed Gehrman replies;

These different persuasions have one common factor:

The ‘other’. Are there ‘other’ intelligent alien (outsider) life
forms in our vicinity?

We – ufology – can disagree about particulars, but we might
agree that the ‘other’ exists. Then we might begin discussing
the nature of the “other”.

Also, as Eleanor suggested, why not make a list of the
discredited cases?

William Bolt responds.

Eugene and List

I agree with you completely, until the seriously dedicated
Ufologist distant themselves from those who’s only interest in
the field is for what profits and attention can be harvested
from people such as myself who can afford barely an occasional
book or ticket to attend a local convention, Ufology will never
receive the acceptance it deserves. I will support the real deal
Ufologist and can spot those who are snake oil salesmen.

But stand together you will because until a Stanton Friedman, a
Nick Pope, Dr. Maccabee, I would even give a thumbs up to George
Filer if he produced a live Martian Wabbit (on a leash of
course) can lay hold of a craft or living gray or reptilian from
an off world planet and delivers it to the White house lawn for
the world to see, main stream science and the media will
continual to roll their eyes whenever UFOs are mentioned.

Alfred Lehmberg… flings.

Let me just close with a bunch of ebullient raspberries, and
rude gestures. You’ve mistaken the problem, don’t have a
solution, and are no adept at prophesy. Take your ball and just
go home. Everything you’ve said has been said before and
discounted. Ironically, I suspect, _you’re_ the chronic
intellectual cancer of metaphor endured since 1947, Sir. You
are, decidedly, not the cure, and your tedious ethic has not
moved us a centimeter in 50 years.

My best, and all respect, to Mr. Hall, who may yet be part of
the conjectured ‘cure’ and who has paid abundant dues for same,
regardless. He’s produced the single work that is _all_ the
excuse Mr. Frison’s mythic science mainstream would need to
begin a passionate investigation of UFOs… yet that
investigation is _not_ forthcoming. Woo-woos are thoughtless
excuse… they are, in no way, the reason.

The entire thread can be viewed at
..As usual it’s not necessary to comment. : )

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