Strange stuff from UFOupdates.

From: Greg Boone
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 02:11:05 EDT
Subject: Illegal Aliens?

Here’s one story I’ve been reluctant to relay but a pal who is
an old time Ufologist bade me do so.

He had asked me about what was going on in Mexico as he had read
the reports of the never-ending sightings down there.

Then I had to ‘fess up to something several Mexican neighbors of
mine told me.

Since I can walk out my front door, take a few steps and ask any
number of folks from Mexico, that I know, about anything
Mexican. I of course asked about the UFO flaps.

As the conversations segued back and forth about the controversy
about the mass border-crossings, one chap looked at me sternly
and said,

“Jobs ain’t the only reason we come here. It’s to get away from
all those UFOs!”

He had a word they use for UFOs and ETs, but I forgot it. The
others acknowledged him and at first I thought he was joking, but
I asked another group of the guys who hang out in the parking
lot of one of the hardware stores nearby.

Yep, same thing. They said UFO stories, news reports and close
encounters of all kinds have folks in Mexico quite stirred up.
Again they reiterated that that was another main reason they
make it to the U.S.



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