Hoagland’s Hollering.

It’s kind of amusing. Richard C. Hoagland is already yammering and yelling about a NASA cover-up of the recent Deep Impact probe.

“No one at NASA has shown us ANY REAL DATA on what Deep Impact actually found from these “impressive” instruments… for two whole weeks–

From a $333 million dollar mission that, again, we paid for!
And, the real story here is that–
No one really cares ….

.. I mean — no new images … no spectra (!) … no excited Mission scientists publicly going on and on about all the “marvelous new data” … at the obligatory NASA press conferences … where they could be questioned by equally excited members of the press”

Yes sheeze! It’s been almost two solid weeks! Come on! We should know everything there is to know about comets now, hell! We should have spent the 333million on a sequel to Armageddon, why waste all this taxpayer money on a science project? Especially one that refuses to turn over all it’s data to “science guy” Richard C. Hoagland for TWO WEEKS!!!!!

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