Looks like the Red Queen is trying to be nice for a change.

She started a thread about Redfern’s book regarding Roswell. Redfern suggests that it was not aliens but the bad old US government doing ghastly experiments of Japanese prisoners that caused the crash. That the Air Force put them into gliders and crashed them into some poor farmers sheep ranch. While not as far fetched as the aliens idea, it’s pretty far fetched.

That aside, The Red Queen is actually trying to make nice on JREF! She’s holding her own in a conversation with skeptics, and not losing her temper! Big kudos for that!
But then she has to go and write this in her “diary of a psychotic skeptic. (I’m pretty sure she is  *not* a skeptic, that title has always confused me.)

June 25, 2005: I’m astounded by the almost complete deafening slience by skeptics and debunkers about Nick Redfern’s book on Roswell. I started a thread on this on the JREF; so far, not one response. I posted about it on Forteans and Skeptics, and the resident skeptic has made the usual weak jokes and maddening dismissive comments. Truly incredible.

Same creepy skeptoid bully nonsense: kicks sand in your face, wonders why you “whine” about it, kicks more sand in your face. Oy. Assholes.

On Forteans and Sketpics there seems to be only one skeptic; if there are others, they haven’t posted. The two that were on there were booted off due to their extremely nasty behavior. Interesting comment on sketptoid-ism; they can’t seem to handle a fairly neutral field, or one that is skewed a bit towards the “woo” side, as admitedly, Forteans and Skeptics is. Seems only if it’s on their turf, where they gang up on you, as in JREF, sci forum, (sometimes they’re fairly decent though) or when they can troll or join innocent pro woo forums minding their own business. Given the opportunity to behave and discuss with woos, they’ll cop out every time.

I guess the same skeptoid [sic] bully would be none only than the Odd Emperor. (It helps to say what you mean dear, like I don’t know who you are spewing about. ) Anyone who has seriously challenged you has been booted out, you know that!

Saying that any of your lists are just “skewed a bit” is like proclaiming the Holocaust never happened, it’s simply a lie and it gets bigger the more you say it. The only way that one can possibly change a reputation is to become what you want people to think you are and wait. Proclaiming that beans are peas will not make it so. Proclaiming that other people are bad or that you are not biased will not make it so. Just like erasing history–it will never *ever* really change history. Clapping your hands to your ears and yelling LALALALA won’t change things either. It only makes things worse.

I love the analogy of that Charles Atlas comic book ad. You kick sand in my face I kick sand back into in yours, you kick sand at me (and whine about it) I kick sand back at you. You kick more sand and whine louder, I kick more sand back at you infanitum.

The difference between you and I? My lines of communication are always open while yours are closed. If you truly would like to end the blogwar you have but three choices (in order of preference.)

(1) Email me and try to figure out a compromise, I’m pretty approachable so long as I’m not cussed at or otherwise treated with disrespect. Remember you still owe me a book review or two, think I was not serious?

(2) Stop writing smack on your psychotic diary and I might stop responding. (boring yes but it would probably work.)

(3) Try to get me yanked off of my ISP, good luck on that! Even if you could I’d probably just pop up somewhere else. Then I would have a cool chronicle of how someone tried to yank me off the air.

Of course you may want to continue the blog war in which case, bring it on dear!

The Odd Emperor

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