Of Beckjord

“Jon-Erik Beckjord, BA (honors -Tulane),MBA (UC Berk.) , is a managment [sic] consultant and also an investigtor [sic] of anomalous phenomena world-wide, spirit photographer, an adventurer, traveller,[sic] lecturer and author.”

Thus begins the web page allegedly world-famous, Erik Beckjord. He’s the inventor of a coat hanger wire thing that allows one to set magazines in loose leaf binders. He also has the distinction of being kicked off more woo forums than any skeptic.

How does he do it? The folks at JREF recently got a first-hand look.
They were having a conversation with someone named LAL. She seems reasonable despite a very strong belief that Criptos like Bigfoot are flesh and blood creatures.

Mr. Beckjord has a slightly different take on the matter, he started a new topic on the forum with this –

“Erik is here and it is a new ball game.

I said this in 1995 on Henry Franzoni’s IVBC list, and all hell broke loose. I introduced the paranormal/supernatural/tulpa/alien concept, and was immediately attacked most viciously
by all the non-researcher newbies there. (This has continued on most all boards ever since). However
Henry himself was a secret supernaturalist, and I had many
beer-soaked phone talks with him, and after he speciously
attacked me to his list to “preserve his cred” (ho) and stay in with
Dahinden etc, I then OUTED him and posted some of his
para experiences. “

It’s kind of difficult to make out where this person is coming from, a very strange place indeed.

He continued;

“I am a “semi-expert” snce nobody except abductees is an actualy expert, but I did interview two of those. (Will be in my book).

So — have at it — I can take your very worst. And then convert you.â€?

What he ended up doing after almost a hundred, more than 15 a day was get suspended for cussing people out.

I’m converted! Far from thinking this person is a nutball, I now think he’s a world-class nutball. Way to go!

The Odd Emperor

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