Another shot from the Red Queen

So spake the Red Queen on her psycho-diary.

6/1/05: Scary, creepy . . .pathetic. Same old tired stuff; you know who, ranting about me entries on his blog, complete with — get this — bar graphs! of activity on my groups. And some disturbing comments about “erasing the archives” — which means, of course, this sick twisted psycho is actively obsessing and stalking. He’s also thrown in some bizarre crap about me and religious boards — of which I don’t belong to, …and then, almost worst of all (it’d be funny if it weren’t so scary,) he’s ripped me off on the Red Meat ‘create your own’ and answering me (well, talking to himself really, since I don’t answer, and don’t read his stupid comics, not after the first one) on Debunking Debunkers. I reallyneed to stop and take the advice of the experts at this point (who was that guy that wrote The Gift of Fear?) and not give him fodder for his pathetic sad little creepoid life. It just really angers me that people like this are allowed to get away with it. For we all know, that if I stop, he’ll still go on. Nothing will stop him from ripping me off, addressing me as if I’m right there, talking about me, posting about me on his site, etc. Disgusting. So I document it for the record for all to see. The only other thing I can do is warn people privately. So girls, if this creep pops up in your forum or any board you’re on, you better watch out.

No; actually my dear Red Queen that’s all a bunch of bullcrap. It is you who is acting out some kind of strange fantasy. I tend to leave people alone when they leave me alone–unlike yourself who seems to constantly *want* others to come after you. You actively seek my attention. Seeking attention can be OK at times. But seeking attention by goading people and then shouting “help help! I’m being persecuted” when they respond is a little nuts. it’s very strange behavior and rather sad. playing the victom card is a very old stupid, sad trick.

By the way, Gift of Fear was written by Gaven de Becker. What Red Queen is (once again) implying is that the Odd Emperor is some kind of serial rapist or mad-violent person. libeling a fictional character is kind of silly. Since neither the Odd Emperor nor the editors of the Odd Empire (whom The Red Queen has undoubtedly vetted already,) have a history of such things, the very suggestion is creepy.

One of the things Becker advises women who think that someone is out to get them to “Separate real from imagined danger.� I believe the Red Queen would be well advised to do that. Of course she will interpret the last statement as some kind of threat but she thinks everything is a threat. That shows an incredible amount of insecurity. Throwing this kind of allegation into the stew is one of her trademarks, I would call it paranoid but in reality it’s the grasping of someone who really has nothing else to say. Red Queen is like someone who would throw herself in front of a moving automobile and try to sue the driver. She seems to have no compunction against telling lies, none whatsoever.

The other peice of advice I might send your way dear Red Queen? Don’t start flame wars with people. Especally if you can’t take what you dish out.

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