Of Goats

…So spake the Red Queen on her Psycho-Blog.

“Neener on creepy stalker psycho skeptoids, previously mentioned here; one who has his own message board still only has 3 members, and the other’s group is dead with about 24 members. While I, the Red Queen, have 59 on Debunking UFO Debunkers, etc.”

You keep trying to get my goat Red Queen why? What is so important that you have to keep trying to goad the Odd Emperor, you keep trying to embarrass the Odd Emperor? Why? Why Red Queen? I would truly love to know.

Is it some kind of strange unholy obsession that you have? Is it fear? Is it hatred? Is it love Red Queen? It’s creepy Red Queen, i’s very strange. You keep bringing the Odd Emperor up, keep starting the conversation over and over again. Why Red Queen? What do you want?

Embarrassing you however is like mashing peeps with a large sledgehammer. There is simply no sport in it! That’s why I don’t like to do it. Unless you beg me to.

For example; your Yahoo group debunking_ufo_debunkers@yahoo.com, you remember that one? The one in which you failed to debunk anyone except yourself over and over. This is the only one of your groups I regularly posted on.–for only a couple of months.

But let’s take a look at it shall we?

Le’s see; here is a chart of your total posts for the time The Odd Emperor (and a few other skeptics) were on this group. There was some good conversation going on there, it was fun for a while.

See the change? When you kicked everyone who disagreed with you and when *I left voluntarily* your group suffered a bit: As a matter of fact it tanked.

To put it succinctly.

It tanked because of your stupid tactics Red Queen. It tanked because you are a very bitter, angry person, unsure of yourself, inadequate and insecure. It tanked because you don’t understand that it’s conflict that powers conversation, not endless agreement. It tanked because not everyone thinks like you do. It tanked because you as host insulted your guests and *all* the active one were kicked out, or left in disgust. You can’t get my goat by telling me that you have fifty people signed up. You never let them speak, who cares?!

See my goat Red Queen? Its right here. I’m feeding it oats as I write this. You can’t have it and every time you try, I can either choose to ignore you or plop out more of this kind crap. You like this crap don’t you Red Queen.

You keep asking for it.

Your goat is right next to mine dear Red Queen, I got it some time ago, right around Febuary 2005 as a matter of fact.

And I just got it again.

By the way; I’ll pretend that I don’t notice that you are slowly erasing history on that group. That’s another dumb tactic Red Queen, only used by people with something to hide–like yourself. The religious groups you trolled don’t erase their transcripts. JREF (another group you trolled) doesn’t erase theirs. You can’t post in those places, and seldom in JREF because, you remember the standards of politeness we discussed?

They enforce them, unlike you.

They don’t have anything to hide, unlike you.

It would be much better if you were to think about what people are telling you. It’s not just me dear, it’s lots of other people in lots of places.

BTW, thumbing your nose at others only risks getting it bitten off.

Olive branches though they *will* get a different response. You might even get what you want but first, you have to decide WHAT you want. If you want the Odd Emperor to keep getting your goat, please continue to jeer at him. I know you will make the right choice ; )

Have a great summer!

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