Gilliland rides again!

Yet another amusing missive from Gilliland. Here he warns us yet again that something VERY BIG is on the horizon. Could it be a volcano? Or an earthquake? How about a big flood? What could it be James?

“This is James Gilliland, I have been feeling intense energies the
last few days. Sometimes I feel like the top of my head is going to
come off or a meltdown is around the corner. I have had many others
ask me what the _ell is going on. They also feel something very big
is just around the corner but cannot put their finger on it. I have
had intense dreams lately of future events which I pray do not come
true. I have seen these events change; the more people become aware
of them and direct positive energy their way the more they can be
lessoned in severity or diverted altogether. I saw a nuclear blast
go off in a desert. It was not in town but just out of town. I
believe it was somewhere in the Middle East. There were buildings
made of stone and brick light sandy color. Time for a little remote
viewing. I do not believe a nuclear war is possible due to the
intervention of the benevolent ETs yet there might be smaller events
that will be contained.

Over the next few months what looks like a good economy is going to
take some serious blows. From here on out physical Earth changes
will escalate rapidly. The planet has to adjust to the new energies.
It has been overheating, expanding and the pressures have to be
released. The vibrational lifting and healing process is in full
swing and many adjustments along the way will come in every aspect
of life. Our physical world is changing, our physical bodies are
changing, our relationships are changing along with the political
and economic arenas. Yeeeeeehaaaaa were going for a ride. The E
ticket is finally getting exciting. I feel there is a building up of
what we all have been waiting for. It is time for all of us to get
on with our reason for incarnating. The ships are all in place,
there will be intense UFO activity in June especially around the
Pacific Northwest. Look to the skies and look within. All that we
need to know is available. I will give updates as more information
comes in. Be well James”

How about this, I’ll make a prediction that some natural disaster will kill a lot of people and destroy property sometime this year. Bet my prediction comes true!

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