The Dark Side

Red Queen at the West_Coast_Chemtrals Yahoo group just linked to this,it’s a pretty insightful article. I wonder if anyone over there actually read it!

This was by Paul Kimball of Redstar Films

“With Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith less than a week away, perhaps the time is right to pose the following question?” he says “- Is Exopolitics the Dark Side of the Ufological Force?


It threatens to corrupt everything that is good within ufology – it undermines the search for the truth; it turns the scientific and historical methods on their heads; it is populated by dark characters of questionable repute, in the form of Whistleblowers (the late William Cooper being perhaps the most notorious, a ufological Darth Maul without the nifty wardrobe; Bob Lazar, Philip Corso, Michael Wolf also qualify – the list goes on and on); it replaces evidence with dark conspiracy theory”. More.

Frankly, I didn’t know what Exopolitics was. Exo=outside? Politics on the outside? WTF!
Then I checked Wikipedia

Exopolitics is the politics related to what should happen if intelligent extraterrestrial life is found and we are able to communicate with it. The people of the world and their governments will need to determine how to manage those interactions. The development of policy guidelines for dealing with extraterrestrial beings and territory has been considered by authors such as Michael Salla and Alfred Webre.

Politics?… with aliens? Come-on!

To my utter shock I found Kimble to be absolutely correct! He basically says Exopolitical types are leading at UFOlogy off a bottomless cliff.

Well DUH!

But it’s not just Exopolitical types (I love the word”¦FREAKS!) that cause havoc in UFO circles. It’s all the crazed, closed minded, nutty yahoos out there who believe that they *know* the freaking truth, which they will shovel down your throat without allowing a single word of debate. The types that make assertion after assertion without coming up with any good evidence (you know who you are.) When you call them on it, they lie and pretend to be the victim. “Ohhh stop evil skeptical man. Stop-stop! You’e upsetting my fantasy existence with your skeptical talk.”

Exsopolitics is a bunch of crap. If UFOs have any reality (or realty) they certainly are not going to conform to our customs and notions of courtesy. Those are cultural biases that no other animal on this planet shares. Not unless they already come from our culture or they are so inferior that they need to come down to our level. This is kind of like a bee keeper dressing up in a bee costume and doing a wiggle dance.

Strangely enough if one only paid attention to UFO testimony, one might think that this is exactly what is occurring.

But true believers will have none of this. They will continue to lie, cheat and deceive just like they’ve been doing for many generations. People will flock to them because their message resonates powerfully to those sorry enough to tune in. Cranks will write endless and banal tomes describing in loving details the sexual habits of the blond amazon women from planet AAUUNNIK while others will extol on how harmful our technology is to the environment. It all goes nowhere very fast, right off that bottomless cliff to la-la land.

I hope the ride is a pleasant one. Other than that I really hope some of the nutcases that scream and yell at skeptics can get professional help – soon!

The Odd Emperor

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