This is the kind of stuff…

It suggests a clear slide of our culture into a middle ages kind of ignorance. I shutter at what the future might bring for the industry. Not that this is anything new. Stuff like this is as old as the hills, modern times had just made it propagate faster.


By Olga Kharif

Scaring Up Paranormal Profits
Interest in the spirit world and UFOs is growing, and entrepreneurs are making money from it by providing high-tech ghost-hunting gear

To the right person, it would be downright eerie. Electronics equipment — electromagnetic-field detectors, white-noise generators, infrared motion sensors — jumping off store shelves for no apparent reason. Groups of otherwise sensible people paying good money to spend a night in a soon-to-be-closed movie theater. Folks on the Internet trolling for brass dowsing rods and crystals that ward off negativity. This is the lucrative business end of the paranormal.

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