Monthly Archives: May 2005

Of Goats

…So spake the Red Queen on her Psycho-Blog. “Neener on creepy stalker psycho skeptoids, previously mentioned here; one who has his own message board still only has 3 members, and the other’s group is dead with about 24 members. While … Continue reading

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The Dreams of Hoagland

Richard C. Hoagland’s doing it yet again. What’s he doing? Well NASA has been posting photos from the Cassini probe. Recently a bunch of photographs have come back showing some oddball stuff on Saturn’s moon Iapetus. Ipaetus is the same … Continue reading

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Gilliland rides again!

Yet another amusing missive from Gilliland. Here he warns us yet again that something VERY BIG is on the horizon. Could it be a volcano? Or an earthquake? How about a big flood? What could it be James? “This is … Continue reading

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The Dark Side

Red Queen at the West_Coast_Chemtrals Yahoo group just linked to this,it’s a pretty insightful article. I wonder if anyone over there actually read it! This was by Paul Kimball of Redstar Films “With Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith less … Continue reading

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I love this kind of crap! Who are these people kidding? This is the MOD for a yahoo group called UFO-Central Description A warning in advance, this group thinks “outside of the box”. So if you can’t do this, don’t … Continue reading

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This is the kind of stuff…

It suggests a clear slide of our culture into a middle ages kind of ignorance. I shutter at what the future might bring for the industry. Not that this is anything new. Stuff like this is as old as the … Continue reading

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You Must Be…

…Good gravy! How the heck did I get on this mailing list? *** Dear Holistic Health Inquirer, Because you’ve expressed an interest in holistic/metaphysical/new age products and services, our admissions staff at American Holistic University thought to invite you to … Continue reading

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