
Red Queen Loves WM Mott! WM Mott Loves Red Queen!
Can it be?
Oh be still my beating Imperial heart!

A little background;

Some years ago I did a short review on one W.M. Mott’s hollow Earth web page. See; Mott wrote a slew of David Ikieish pseudo- anthropology pieces that suggested Richard Shaver was the messiah or some other bogus crap. He was getting this stuff published in venerable and respectable places like Rense and Fate Magazine. (What? India Daily turned him down?) A lot of nutballs wrote to him saying they wanted to have his baby so he sent the whole mess over to a Texas POD publisher (this is a kind of self publishing outfit BTW) Mott had the thing set up in a book called Caverns Cauldrons and Concealed Creatures. I Heard Tom Cruise opted the movie rights but pulled out after realizing the book had less plot than Atlanta Nights.

Why? I ask, lack of plot never stopped him before.

Well When I wrote my review, Mott freaking hit the ceiling. Shot off a bunch of weird emails to me, trying to tell me that sponges were actually alien radio antennas and whatnot. I pretty much mocked him which made him even more hysterical (in both senses.) I had to write another even better review of his page which made him more pissed.

Well it seems my honey babe! Red Queen has actually been emailing WM Mott.

Here is an official Imperial Email Intercept–

Red Queen;

Um, dear; do you know that the photo of the Odd Emperor located at http://home.earthlink.net/~mottimorph/OdEmp.html is not working? My web browser shows a box with a red X.
That can’t be right.”

WM Mott;

Oh crap!”

So after what, an ENTIRE YEAR! WM Mott finally figured out that you have to actually UPLOAD your stolen photographs and make them local files on your server. You can just steal them in place and expect ME to host them for you! (dumbass.)

Or perhaps he purposely left the photos off of his server to harass the Odd Emperor. I’ve been chewing my fingernails in fear, wondering what despicable photo WM Mott might have used to depict the Odd Emperor.

What he finally put up was this


I mean really Mr. Mott, that’s kind of silly don’t you think? And describing him as “technoflunky” I’ll have you know that this is a techno-scrote fourth class. Technoflunky is five Imperial pay grades higher than what that guy makes.

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