It’s been a quiet week

It’s been a quiet week, other than on a fairly unassuming web page run by none other than my jilted sweetie. the Red Queen, aka natasha, aka, turtle aka ruby-red and many other pseudonyms around the Internet.

“3/13/05 Update: OE it seems, has a reputation. Such well known and respected UFO and paranormal researchers and writers, like Alfred Lemberg and Wm. Micheal Mott, have also had their share of run ins with this trouble making PsychoSkeptic. (Which he proudly displays on his web site; these rants between him and others.) Nice to know I’m not the only one. OE has also posted that I’m angry because he left my groups and that his emails hit “too close to the mark.” Oh yes, THAT’S it, all right. Yet one more example of these Psycho Skeptics not taking any responsibility.”

Well known? Respected researchers? Mott and Lehamberg are neither well known nor respected and calling either of them that is an insult to good researchers everywhere. There’re both artists who got conked in the head too hard by Fortean “sky fish”. Spending all their time attempting to prove that black is white, Mott want’s to tell us that the Earth is hollow. Lehamberg is just disgusted that the US Government and FOX news won’t just come out and tell the truth, that it’s all the aliens fault.

Strangely enough, I think the Red Queen fancys herself an artist too. Hmm. Perhaps I have something there?

Actually, what I posted was this ..

From: “Odd Emperor”
Date: Sun Mar 13, 2005 11:31 am
Subject: Re: A long-overdue swipe

I saw this right around March first and I must say that I’m *quite*
flattered! Being the number one Psycho Skeptic in this person’s book is an endorsement that I couldn’t buy for all the money at Redmond. But I got it anyway!

Anyway, the real reason she made me her number one hated skeptic is because; she feels jilted. I didn’t allow her to kick me off, I removed myself from her lists. And as for the “creepy” emails I sent her? Very simply, I hit too close to the mark.

So; thanks Red Queen (Natasha.) I’m very flattered, just. Will you
please fix the link from your page to mine?


She’s kind of troubled to be sure. I wonder what happened? Where is all this anger coming from?

She’s just sent me a pretty crude message, calling me “pus filled” and other silly sounding stuff. I’d discuss this with her but it’s moot that any discussion with her becomes a brawl. I actually like discussing stuff with her but she gets so tedious with her huge double standards, her lying and her hatred. She doesn’t realize it though, that’s what so insidious.

I really wish I could help her some way but she’s going to have to figure out this stuff for herself. Hatred can consume a person and The Odd Emperor doesn’t have time for such nonsense.


She’s also been lurking on JREF, lurking because she nearly got thrown out for her nasty-nasty posts to people. Now to be perfectly fair, some of the JREFrs did bait her somewhat but it’s clear that she can’t really take what she dishes out.

Most of those people are OK until someone try’s to ram a bunch of bullcrap down their skeptical necks, then they descend like locusts. They don’t get too insulting other than by saying “what you said is stupid.” That’s criticism to the words not the people and most understand that it’s OK to bash the words of someone, so long as you don’t bash the person. Red Queen (and many other woos out there) just don’t get that.

Here’s a comment about one of my posts;

“3/17/05 Update: In a classic case of the Psycho Skeptic’s refusal to take responsibility, OE has said, of Alfred Lemberg, that he complained being attacked was liked being “punched in the face.” OE wonders, in feigned guieless wonder, why would someone be ever so emotional over mere discussion?”

Of course that’s not what I said. Natasha has this penchant for distorting the truth, of even public records! She barely reads anyone’s posts, picks a few words out of context and goes nuts with them. This is know in some circles as *lying* telling untruths, distorting facts. To Natasha this appears to be called “just revenge.”

What I actually said was this..

03-17-2005 03:01 PM

I’m still not sure what pathological skepticism really is. Closed minded prejudicial thinking? Automatically nay-saying without investigation? I don’¢t even call that skepticism. In fact I’m not skeptical about things I strongly believe I wonder if the term ‘“pathological skepticism” might not be something of an oxymoron.

I’ve certainly been accused of being a pathological skeptic’many times. In each case it was in response to some honest (albeit blunt) criticism of a web page. I’ve found that people leaning to the  side tend to be very thin-skinned when questioned and some of them become very defensive in a way that I can only describe as pathological.

What’s with that? I’ve never met a skeptic who reacts in the same way. In fact I suspect that a true skeptic can withstand critical review without descending into one or more logical fallacies. That’s because to be skeptical is to be *not knowing.* whereas most people on the other side of the fence seem to have so little wiggle room in their beliefs that any counter argument or criticism is a personal attack, some people (Alfred Lehmberg for example) says that being criticized is like getting punched in the face.

You can read all of my posts on JREF here. A free membership is required to search but the list but archives are open to non members.

The Red Queen goes on to say..

3/13/05 Update: OE it seems, has a reputation. Such well known and respected UFO and paranormal researchers and writers, like Alfred Lemberg and Wm. Micheal Mott, have also had their share of run ins with this trouble making PsychoSkeptic. (Which he proudly displays on his web site; these rants between him and others.) Nice to know I’m not the only one. OE has also posted that I’m angry because he left my groups and that his emails hit “too close to the mark.” Oh yes, THAT’S it, all right. Yet one more example of these Psycho Skeptics not taking any responsibility.

OE’s nonsense on JREF

This link doesn’t really go to one of my posts , Red Queen is nothing if not link challenged (among other things.)

But she calls my posts nonsense? That’s funny! I’m guessing that if I posted something like “You blazing pile of subdominant bunged up offal.” I wouldn’t be posting Nonsense?

Well I think *that* is nonsense. Perhaps I’m not a native speaker.

Of course she ment to send a user here.
Oops! I meant here.
Ahh, I mean here.
Dang it, lets try it again!

This is not really an exhaustive lists but you get the idea.You can see all of Red Queen’s posts here, you need to be a member but I always urge people to look at both sides of an issue before making a judgment.

My, my, some people have great fans. Some people have groupies. And some people, like Mott and Lemberg have ahh..
This person! I guess they deserve each other.

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