James Gilliland, mighty cult guru and communications expert!

I was innocently enjoying the sun-drenched Imperial Atrium the other day when my trusty Imperial Postmaster delivered a smoking letter on his fine silver letter tray. I looked at it with some trepidation, it was entitled simply “your blog”and was from none other than the thin-skinned guru himself, James Gilliland.

You remember James Gilliland! Ex construction helper and bag-boy. Owner of a failed real-estate firm. “He studied biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, pre-law and pre-dental, yet did not acquire a degree or practice professionally.”

“After a near death experience brought about by drowning, James miraculously gained the power of sight,. Oh no– I’m sorry, his EYES were finally opened. He realized that all that shit he bought on credit had depreciated so he went on a “spiritual journey.”

He was certified “an intuitive visionary of the highest consciousness and energy.” He’s got the certificate and everything! His study included SIX YEARS OF YOGA!! Cripes I can’t even do six minutes of yoga! Did he do that all at one time or spread over a period? If he ONLY did ten hours a day and started around 1992 he could have gotten in that much yoga by now… seems a bit much though!

He self-published a couple of books.(which he will send you upon request.) He purchased some land on Trout Lake Washington where he begs people to help him construct his “Sanctuary.” James tells anyone who will listen that all those lights he sees, the ones that look exactly like satellites are really intergalactic cruisers.

There’s quite a bit more, I’ve been reading Jame’s blatherings since around 1998–they come in about one or two per day, one wonders where he found the time to do all that Yoga!

Anyway enough of my blathering .heeeree’s James!

This is James Gilliland, what a pompous ass and misinformed person. Do you always make assumptions about others which the article was full of based on no research zero knowledge of the subject? I do not sell Aquarius Water, I worked there for 6 years volunteer to get out the water which converts deadly bacteria and virus to a crystalized state no longer harmful to humans. I financed the Sanctuary and yet due to lack of funding we do not have the equipement and the free energy will not be coming out either. I suppose you missed the Boeing Engineers and Skunkworks people who continue to come to the ranch testify on coast to coast. What kind of degree and experience do you have in any of these arenas? I believe advanced civilizations that have transcended war, disease and have the technology to clean up the environment are currently the best shot we have of getting out of the mess we are in. Your article is a reflection of you character and total lack of knowledge and I hope your ego feels gratified in your pompous arrogant and ignorant comments. You might want to do a little investigation before spouting off your mouth is in hyperspeed yet your brain has not even looked into any of these matters. I would take stock in yourself and try doing a little investigation before making accusations and assumptions based on nada. I know you do not have the consciousness or the integrity to look into the matter seriously because if you did you would see what a complete ass you made of yourself. How is that for spiritual. By the way what are you doing for the planet? How much time and energy have you donated to the well being of people and the earth? Other than attacking people making a difference.

This is SO rich! I could write a book about this fellow!

Let’s see if I understand Mr. Gilliland’s screed;

  1. He calls himself a pompous ass AND misinformed, in the first sentence too! I don’t think he meant to say that. By inserting the words “you are” he could have redirected the subject. As it reads, now? The meaning is quite clear!
  2. Aquarius water is some dumb mineral water company. They put their product up in fancy bottles and try to sell it for extraordinary amounts of money. James, volunteered his services to THAT? Oh the humanity!
  3. More space-brothers crap.
  4. Some gratuitous insults
  5. More gratuitous insults
  6. Even more gratuitous insults
  7. After a number of gratuitous insults James asks me to judge him on his spirituality. and finally;
  8. James asks a question.

Here’s how I responded.


Hi James! Thanks for the letter or whatever you call this.

Let me see.. mmmm Where to begin?

You write;

“This is James Gilliland, what a pompous ass and misinformed person.”

You know James; I think you’re being just a bit hard on yourself. I wouldn’t
have necessarily called you pompous and misinformed, you certainly sound
pompous and misinformed but coming right out and saying so would be a bit

“Do you always make assumptions about others which the article was full of
based on no research zero knowledge of the subject??”


“I do not sell Aquarius Water, I worked there for 6 years volunteer to get
out the water which converts deadly bacteria and virus to a crystallized state no longer harmful to humans.”

No it doesn’t

“I financed the Sanctuary and yet due to lack of funding we do not have the
equipement and the free energy will not be coming out either.”

Um. James; free energy is a myth. I’m sorry that the Sanctuary is not doing
so well. Can I help somehow?

“I suppose you missed the Boeing Engineers and Skunkworks people who
continue to come to the ranch testify on coast to coast.”

  1. I don’t listen to Coast to Coast
  2. Coast to Coast is not a court or a forum that has any validity
    anywhere (hence, they don’t testify–spew is more like it. )
  3. I know of no Boeing Engineers or Skunkworks people who come to your
    ranch ( I assume you mean folks who work for the Lockheed Martin
    Corporation.) You’ve been saying that for years now but I don’t recall that
    you have offered any evidence to support that.
  4. And even if you did.. So what?

“What kind of degree and experience do you have in any of these arenas?”

I’m not going to tell YOU! I’ve been in some pretty good arenas though.

“I believe advanced civilizations that have transcended war, disease and
have the technology to clean up the environment are currently the best shot
we have of getting out of the mess we are in.”

Good! Tell them to get cracking! What are they waiting for?!

“Your article is a reflection of you character and total lack of knowledge
and I hope your ego feels gratified in your pompous arrogant and ignorant

(You state rather pompously)
James – honey, I’m not trying to get people to follow me around like I was
some guru with a religion to sell. Know anyone who resembles that?

“You might want to do a little investigation before spouting off your mouth
is in hyperspeed yet your brain has not even looked into any of these
matters. I would take stock in yourself and try doing a little investigation
before making accusations and assumptions based on nada.
I know you do not have the consciousness or the integrity to look into the
matter seriously because if you did you would see what a complete ass you
made of yourself.”

Humm. Making a lot of assumptions yourself are we not? I suppose I should
insult you back now, but I am the nice one!

“How is that for spiritual”

..It’s not very!

By the way what are you doing for the planet? How much time and energy have you donated to the well being of people and the earth?
Other than attacking people making a difference.”

You would be very surprised. If you know of anyone making a difference, send
them my way will you old man?


Oh James, you made my day! Truly you did! I’d pretty much forgotten all
about you and that silly retreat of yours but, here you are, trying to flame
me. I’m not sure why yet.

Anyway, you mentioned in your little diatribe here that I was mistaken about
your mystical water business? You were NOT making any money off of that
junk? Holy Sepulcher Batman! I need to retract this in a hurry! I hate to be
inaccurate. Can you give me any details regarding your deal with Aquarius
Water. I took a peek at their web page, they seem to be doing rather well
for themselves, ten bucks a gallon for mineral water.. You voluntarily
endorsed that product and didn’t get paid to do so?

How extraordinary!

Anyway, thanks again for giving me a chuckle! Come back any time!

The Odd Emperor

After a short time another smoking letter showed up on the fine Imperial Letter tray,,

I did not even need to read your reply it just proved my point. You have not
researched any of these matters. Know nothing of the work being done at
aquarius water or here at the Sanctuary and each one of your statements is
based on ass um tions which defines your character not ours. Nice try
projecting but the coar is still on your back. Your article totally defined
your character, your nature and your intelligence as well as your intent.
You are giving nothing to this planet other than arrogant pompus uneducated
interference. I have stood side by side with NASA people who know the
technology works and the water does kill bacteria and virus and if you knew
how to measure it for natural not chemical oxygen you would get the same
results that independent labs experienced. The bacteria and virus are filmed
as the transmutate from a more complex structure to a crystaline form, every
time as shown by independent labs. Sorry I have to take legitament research
over your assumptions and uneducated statements. Same with the UFOs they are beyond your ability to comprehend so you have to ridicule the experience.
This is the egos attempt to inflate itself by deflating others and you have
clearly defined the fact that you have a megalithic ego which overides facts
and research. Again you have defined your character not mine or the Aquarius
Water technologies. The facts and the research proves you to be misinformed,
dishonest and with an agenda. What is your agenda? Why do you engage in such nonsense what is the pay off. Seriously

Of course I replied – didn’t you expect me to?


“Nice try projecting but the coar is still on your back. Your article totally defined your character, your nature and your intelligence as well as your intent. “

Um. what article? Truly, I’m not sure which piece you are referring to.

“You are giving nothing to this planet other than arrogant pompus uneducated interference.”

Thank you for your opinion James. ..
I’ve always thought that, if your going to really insult someone it’s a good idea to run words through a spell checker.

“I have stood side by side with NASA people who know the technology works
and the water does kill bacteria and virus and if you knew how to measure it
for natural not chemical oxygen you would get the same results that
independent labs experienced.”

That’s a load of crap James. First off, NASA people are mostly
administrators nowadays, NASA contracts most of its hardware and science
work out, don’t you know that? Secondly, I don’t give a hoot who ‘knows”
that the sky is made from blue bubblegum or the moon from
green cheese. You’re just blowing smoke James, like you always do.
And third? Um James.. Hello?! Oxygen is an element not a chemical compound.
We don’t make Oxygen chemically, we can crack it out of water but that’s not
artificial Oxygen, its just Oxygen.

That’s grade school chemistry James.

[I love when tards try to blind people with pseudo-science. There are a couple of other ways to get Oxygen, fermentation is one. ]

But; why don’t you point me in the right direction and I’ll write an
article extolling the virtues of your mystical mineral water. Tell me where
the studies were done and which peer reviewed journals they are written up
in. I’ll be happy to take a look.

“The bacteria and virus are filmed as the [SIC] transmutate [SIC] from a
more complex structure to a crystaline
[SIC] form, every time as shown by
independent labs. Sorry I have to take legitament [SIC] research over your
assumptions and uneducated statements.”

Thank you for your opinion once again. I’m trying real hard to get insulted
by this you know, it’s not working!

“Same with the UFOs they are beyond your ability to comprehend so you have to ridicule the experience. This is the egos attempt to inflate itself by
deflating others and you have clearly defined the fact that you have a
megalithic ego which overides [SIC] facts and research.”

Thank you for that description James. I’m actually very respectful of facts
and research. I’d be much more respectful of you if you had any facts or had
done any research.

“Again you have defined your character not mine or the Aquarius Water
technologies. The facts and the research proves you to be misinformed,
dishonest and with an agenda. What is your agenda? Why do you engage in such nonsense what is the pay off. Seriously.”

It’s only nonsense for some James. Since you have yet to produce any facts
or research I leave my opinion on who and what you and your mystical mineral
water is – as is. If you seriously want to convince me, why not stop with
the insulting junk and do so?

What’s on your agenda bub?

Shortly thereafter, by dint of his exceptional communication powers, James sent this;

Being that you have absolutely nothing to contribute to assisting humanity and the earth lets just hit the block sender button hmmmmmmmm there it is poof your (SIC)  gone

I’ll have to ask him how that worked out someday.

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7 Responses to James Gilliland, mighty cult guru and communications expert!

  1. RDB says:

    James, James, James…lose the mullet, get a job at a mink farm, and your respectability will increase by leaps and bounds beyond its current low point.

  2. Naa, the world is a much funnier place with people like James. He’s so completely absorbed by his self-deceptions that I suspect only prolonged de-programming and intensive counseling could put this fellow back on a more normal track. As it is he will yell and scream about how everyone is persecuting him, how the MAN has mistreated him and how all his friends turned out to be nutjobs.

    But HE’S on Coast to Coast! That’s got to account for something!

  3. RDB says:

    But HE’S on Coast to Coast! That’s got to account for something!

    Like the general public’s poor taste in late-night radio programming.

  4. Even Coast to Coast can get desperate for material. Come to think of it, most of their material is pretty desperate!

  5. Amber-Brooke says:

    I love James Gillilands ranch…I went there last summer for a weekend and saw at least 10 Ufos a night and that just the couple hours I stayed awake and we are not talking satalites any dummy can tall the difference between a UFO and a satalite …Satalites don’t make sudden turns, turn differnt colors…and get bigger and smaller…they dont morph into different shapes either…..and UFOs are not the only thing happening there….You make your own contact on a personal level its UNDENIABLE …satalites don’t ignight your heart with unbelievable bliss !I suggest you go to the rach and see and feel for yourself!

    James has a big heart..he says himself he is no Guru…the only thing he teaches is that we are all our own Gurus…to find the God with-in..he doesn’t want followers..he wants to help humanity wake up to who they realy are…be empowered..and be free. I have endless graditude for him and his work and the ECETI ranch! Much Love Amber

  6. Hi Amber! Thanks for stopping by. I’m glad you found happiness and bliss Jame’s Dope Ranch, um… Sativa Sanctuary (sorry about that.)

    What did you think of the letter he sent me? I didn’t make that up you know. Kind of different from the “big hearted” fellow you portray him as – yes?

    James and I have gone around a couple of times and, although I don’t really begrudge him in whatever he wants to to do – he really can’t take critics which is why I call him the Thin Skinned Guru.

    Hey! Stop by anytime! Tell your friends and say hi from the Odd Emperor next time you see James will you?

    I mean that.

    Love you too!


    The Odd Emperor

  7. Pingback: Freedom to Breath. | Empire of the Odd

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