(My standard induction letter)

Your site has been inducted into the Empire of the odd, http://www.blackfish-enterprises.com/oddempire/main/page9.htm With the following comment -

The Stargazers' Mothership Info Fellowship of the Ring of Ambassadors from Beyond!

One thrilling subject after another! From the "Coming Economic Worldwide Crash" to answering the question that is must be on everyone's mind, "is there sex in heaven?" Or how about, "did you know that the movie Shrek is actually about Jesus?" The heartwarming story, "Jesus came and danced with me (a TRUE out of body experience.)" And don't forget, the free endtimes clipart heaven!

Their reply;

Dear you, We are delighted and feel majorly honored! You have an amazing collection of sites. And what are your personal sentiments about life, and this friggin WAR that is driving us into the very Endtime? We are peacemakers, the children of God. Love to hear from you again! Love Dan from the Stargazers



I reply;


You should feel honored indeed! Catching the fickle eye of the Odd Emperor is not an easy thing. Rest assured that you have joined a small (but growing) list of elite web pages that help make the Internet what it is today, a confusing mass of insane ranting and bogus claptrap. Keep up the good work! It's very entertaining.

Sincerely Odd Emperor.



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