by Laruence Litetowler
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I wanted to touch upon this little tidbit, some of you think that I’m a crank and a nut case because I alone came up with the STUPENDUS TIME CONE which prevents the force of time to make you crazy and have some alien shove bigfoot’s baby up your ass. I am actually the MOST GENUS HUMAN becuse I cam eup with this stunning and REVOLUTIONARy principle of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE
I can prove this! If you think about the STUPENDUS TIME CONE on whch the earth sits and spins than you will understand that I AM the MOST GENUIS HUMAN. If you dont understand the SACRED princibles of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE than you have automaticly acnolaged ME as the most GENUS HUMAN. As most genius as Albert Einshtine or Leanardo Devencie, they were not understood by many people and they were GENUIUS! By that same logic I MUS be the most GENIUS HUMAN becuse so many people don't understand me.See! That's PROOF!!!!
You are not an elite Spaias Conus if you do not believe the STUPENDUS TIME CONE. You are getting your marching orders from all the evil orgon rays coming from cell phone towers. I would never use a telephone that did not have a wire because the rays from the phone will GO RIGHT THROUGH YOUR HEAD and reprogram your brain.
But MY brain is not reporgramed because Im the WORLD SUPER GENUS HUMAN have worked out the STUPRNDUS TIME CONE on which the world sits and spins and makes us all sleep or an alien will make us have bigfoots baby. If you BELIVE in the STUPENDUS TIME CONE you will take the first step to becume just like me, a CONUS SAPIUS SUPER GENIUS PERSON OF CONE BELIFE.
Only a person of full cone belief will survive the coming catstrophy that’s coming real soon to all the none cone people. I can guarantee that this WILL happen. With all that eveil orgon energy being pumped by the evil orgon energy radioactive microwave brain busting towers it’s only a mtter of time before the STUPENDUS TIME CONE that my genius brain has discovered will grind to a halt and the Earth will be vunerablt to UFO alien sex attacks where they will put bigfoots baby inside of millions of people.
Than you had better get onboard the NEW STPENDUS PLAN that I the most genius human have figured out to save the earth from the evil orgon energy.
What you need is an eveil orgon energy chem.-tox cloud BUSTER! Everyone needs to make one of thease babys! If you don’t than you will find yourself reasing your very own Bigfoot baby in your home that an alien poked up your butt while you were sleeping becase the STPENDUS TIME CONE slowed down enough so the ailesn could breach the TIME CONE CONTINUM long enough to do their dirty deeds! It’s very
simple! You must build an eveil orgon energy chem.-Tox cloud BUSTER and put it in you front yard with a sign reading “I built this chem.-tox cloud buster TO SAVE YOUR SORRY ASS!”
If you don’t do this than you just suck and you will be sending bigfoots baby off to collage someday! Its eather the eveil orgon chem.-tox coud BUSTER or it’s bigfoots baby up your ass, you dicide! Eveil Orgon Tox-cloud BUSTERS are easy to make and we all must make many
to COMBAT the evil cabal pig-dog swine government fith colume becuse they want you all to have bigfoots baby becuse some alien swooped down out of the sky and put it up your ass becuse you did not belive in the STUPENDUS TIME CONE that I, the most genuis human have figgured out.
Here is a model of a EVIL ORGON TOX CLOUDE CHEM_BUSTER SECRET ANTI TOX CLOUD DEVICE that I made myself. I am the most GENUIS HUMAN and I am able to devise this device using nothign more than my GENIUS over GENIUS brain and some scraps I found ina dumptster behind the piggly wiggly . You have to make your EVIL TOX CLOUD ORGON BUSTER.
So that Eerything dosent happen all at once and so that you don't end up having bigfoot's baby.
ou don't want bigfoot's baby do you? If you do than DONT put up your very own EVIL ORGON TOX CLOUDE CHEM BUSTER and you will not belive in the STUPENDUS TIME CONE and some alien will be sticking bigfoots baby up your hairy buttock,
severs you right