by Laruence Litetowler
Time is not fan-like, or cube-like. It's not round like the face of a clock and it's not stretchable like taffy. Those stupid scientests have no idea what time is all about until now.
This is the first drawing I made of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE, a revolutinary NEW concept that will change the way we think about the Universe.
yes a cone.
Time is cone-like, in fact, time is a STUPENDUS CONE THAT THE WORLD SPINS ON!!!!!!!
My superhuman genius brain first hit upon this idea while I was eating lunch at the Sarasota food bank where they have great pnut butter and jelly sandwiches.
I the most geius human am the first person to figgr out the concept of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE on which the Earth rotates.
The STUPENDUS TIME CONE has been ripped off by that slacker/faker Eugene with his really DUMB time cube.
Just becase Eugene got his stupid time cube on the intranet first, he thinks that I, the most genus human in all of history will just sit back and let him take all the glory. Well, he not only stole the idea frm me but he CHANGED IT INTO A CUBE WHEN IT SHOULD BE A CONE!!!!!
This is the original STUPENDUS TIME CONE and it will revolutionise all science as the concept fo the STUPENDUS TIME CONE is finally reveald to the world science teachers. The STUPENDUS TIME CONE has been represed by the World pig-dog-swine governemnt scinetests who have not given me my grant money becuse they think I'm some kind of kook. I'm not your ordenary nut, I invented the STUPENDUS TIME CONE so that the world can see that it is sitting on and spinning on the STUPENDUS TIME CONE or if it were not the world would be a far different place with everyting happening at the same time.
Since I am the most Genius human who has figgerd out the STUPENDUS TIME CONE I can now tell the eager world how it spins on top of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE and how is if time were not controled by the STUPENDUS TIME CONE all the worlds events would happen at the same time.
Schools are criminal mob institutions because they do not teach the STUPENDUS TIME CONE in classrooms and they do not disply the corrected STUPENDUS TIME CONE clock faces that have 1/2 a face because we can only see 1/2 of the time because when they world is in the dark half of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE OF LIGHT AND DARK the world cannot see time and it passes at a different rate,
When you sleepped last night, did you remember sleeping? Of course not! You were the same BUT TIME PASSED DIFFORENTLY!
Time is a cone, it curls up into a point where we sleep, this is why we have to sleep, to get over the point of the cone. If we don't sleep we will stay on the one side for the cone and slowly go mad because we must cross the cone each day or we go crazy.
If you do not sleep you will go crazy. See?
The world of stupid jerk pig-dog-swine scientests are ignorent of the genius of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE that I, the most genuis human have concived for the first time in history. No discoverty since the discovery of fire by cavemens almost 3000 years ago can come close to the discovery of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE.
Many others have tryed but only I, the most genuis human have been able to connect the dots and discover that the Earth spinds on a STUPENDUS TIME CONE so that all events don't happen at the same time.
I am awaiting for invetations to talk show and scientific panels so that I can esxpane my STUPENDUS TIME CONE facts to the world and so the world won't be so ignorent without the blessings of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE that I the most genius human with godlike intelect has discovered so that the world wont be so ignorent.
The fact that the concept of the MOST STUPENDUS TIME CONE is so Earth shattering will come out very soon as more and more people see this page and understand and wonder at my most excessive geius for discovering the MOST STUPENDUS TIME CONE on which the world spins on.
That is not all, the STUPENDUS TIME CONE is also the answer to UFOs and BIGFOOT! You see, bigfoot smells bad and UFOs fly around in the air, DO YOU UNDERSTAND YET?
Bigfoot is from the UNDERGROUND, FROM THE BASE OF THE STUPENDUS TIME CONE! he walks around in the underneath of the earth. This proves that the Earth is hollow and spins on a STUPENDUS TIME CONE. My superhuman genuis brain has proven the connection between UFOs and BIGFOOT. UFOs fly around and Biggfoot smells. SEE?
UFOs are part of the tip of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE, I'm awaiting the million doller governemtn grants that will allow me, the most geunuiis human who has worked out the prinicibles of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE and will awaken the word to it geunius pribncibles and awaken humanity which has been decived by the lousy pig-dog governermnt and the evil shool teachers who refuse to teacht the devine princibles of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE.
OK I know that most of you won't understand this, I the most genius human who devised the STUPENDUS TIME CONE am the only one in history to truly understand the workings of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE concept. It it my solum duty to get this information out so that you people can benifit from the concept of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE and start living your lives as true CONE PEOPLE or SAPIAUS-CONUS which is latin for CONE PEOPLE. CONE PEOPLE are much more intelegent than normal non cone people. CONE PEOPLE have a clear idea of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE and understand their place in it.
Some people seem to think that I'm a crank becuse I have worked out the STUPENDUS TIME CONE so that humanity can feel safe from getting sucked into a UFO and having bigfoot's baby. It's not easy to be the most geuius human and to have figgured out the STUPENDUS TIME CONE concepts so that humanity does not have to wallow in ignorence like it has for the last two hundred years. Before humans existed years ago the first potental CONE PEOPLE was another race of human like people that came from another country called Euope. They were not CONE PEOPLE or nither were they humans but they were foreners. Two hundred years ago the first potental CONE PEOPLE were born on US soil and it was not for another two hundred years that I, the most GEUNUS HUMAN was born to tel the story of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE so that humany would be less foren and more conelike.
I the most genius human who has devised the most STUPENDUS TIME CONE so that everything does not happen at the same time and so that you don't have bigfoot's baby can now say that there is proof of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE that I the most genius human have come up with so that humanity no longer has to wallow in evil ignorence. This picture that I, the most genuis human have painstakingly found on the Intranet from many hours of research and from some web page proves that the STUPENDUS TIME CONE is real, look! Do you see it now?
It's a cone!
It's head is a CONE!
Somday, very soon I hope, the seething ignorant
masses of humility will begin ot see the most GLORIUS TIMECONE that I the most
genius human has figured out so that humanity wont have to wallow in pathetic
ignorance any longer. I the most genus human will no longer permit it!
SEE!? Here is an official NASA secret government photo that I found using my keen genuius intellect on the intranet. This is a top secret photo that is only shown here and on some other web page that I’ve already forgotten about. This top secret government NASA space shuttle official photo shows the proof that those government pig-dog swines whant to cover up. They even come to my manufactured home in Sarasota Florida and tell me to shut up and not to show the top secret governemtn astronaought NASA space shuttle photo of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE.
It is so obvious that the swine-pigdog stupid government nasa scientists have purposely coved up the STUPENDUS TIME CONE so that humanity continues to wallow in it’s ignorant non-cone state. How do I know this? DO YOU HAVE CONIK CONSOUSNESS? ARE YOU A COUNUS SAPIUS? Of course you aren’t! That’s because the government pig-dog swine scientist nasa polititions have coverd up the path to cone life! It’s too dangarus for the seriously thought challenged people who have all the power today.
Here is a picture of a secret government journal do you see the STUPENDUS TIME
CONE mentioned at all? Look at the heading! It’s about atomic clocks!
If the stupid pig-swine government NASA scientists knew how to pull their pants down when they sat on the crapper than they would have “THIS IS A JORUNAL ON THE STUPENDUS TIME CONE that I, the most GENIUS HUMAN in the history of humility have worked out.
Do you want to become with your conus Consciousness? You can but first you must understand your pathetic state as it is now withouth being aware of your true cone-self. Being one with the Time Cone should be the goal of all non cone people but becuse of the pig-dog swine governemnt educator secret black agent fith colume the trueth of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE has been coverd up and people do not understnd the sublte truth of the STUPENDUS TIME CONE that the world sits and spins on.
Most people in the pig-dog swinne governemnt consperacy agnency really want a UFO to poke something op your ass so that you have bigfoot's baby! Most educators are foul ignorent beings who want to give you an F becuse you rself \belive in the STUPENDUS TIME CONE. Well! Give yourself an A+ becuse you BELIVE in the STUPENDUS TIME CONE that I the most genius human have figgured out so that you don't have to wallow in ignorence any more.
The STUPENDUS TIME CONE PREVENTS the evil cabal government conspiracy expert pigdog swine from controlig your mind! Only those who are cone conscious can overcome the evil chem.-tox-clouding of our atmosphere by evil secret aircraft that are in the sky’s spraying you AT THIS MOMENT!!!!
Have you ever looked up into the sky? Have
you ever seen a chem.-tox-cloud? They are being laied down by airplanes employed
by the evil pig-dog swine cabal government conspiracy UN fifth column. THE UN
That’s the secret that the evil pig-dog swine cabal government conspiracy
UN fifth column doesn’t want YOU to know!!! THEY WANT TO KILL YOU AND
SEE??? In the third world they don’t
have a lot of consumer electronic and the QUASAR corporation wants them to have
TVs so they can pump secret messages to the third world via re-runs of DALLAS!
The messages will cement power in the hand of the greedy few who run the SECRET
wants a more docile constituency like in the Congo or Ivory Coast (that’s
in Africa.) They will also CONTROL YOUR MIND using chem.-tox-clouds and CELL
Thease are real tox-clouds over somplace in the US, this proves the STRUPENDUS TIME CONE is proctecting the few whoo belive in the STUPENDUS TIME CONE and are real cone-beings becuse they don't die from the TOX CLOUD pictured here as it is being put into the air somplace.
This is a HUGE problem and the STUPENDUS TIME CONE is the ONLY answer to a DOOMED EARTH! Only if you accept the STUPENDUS TIME CONE and become and ELITE cone person or CONUS-SAPIUS will you be able to be an enlightened CONE BEING like myself. And ward off the evil RAYS OF DOOM that are emanating from the EVIL CELL PHONE TOWERS born by the chem.-tox-clouds and their ORGON-EVIL-ENERGY.